An oxygen XML Editor plugin intended to help those that create XSpec scenarios.
- In the oXygen menu, open Help » Install new add-ons...
- In the field Show add-ons from, add this URL:
- The XSpec Helper View and the XSpec Framework (required by the XSpec Helper view plugin) add-ons will be displayed. Follow the steps to install them both and restart oXygen.
- Optional: check Enable automatic updates checking in Options » Preferences » Add-ons to get update notifications
- download the plugin ZIP package and unzip it inside
- download the framework ZIP package and unzip it inside
- Inside Oxygen open an XSpec file.
- On the toolbar click on the action "XSpec Run"
- A view named "XSpec Test Results" will be opened.
Note: At this point you can switch to the XSLT and use only the "Run" actions in the view to execute the scenarios.
- For each test threre is a "Show" action that will select in the editor the coresponding test
- For each scenario there is a "Run" action that will run just that scenario
- For a failed test you can click on it and the diff between the Expected/Actual results will be opened
On the XML XSpec report, an XSLT is applied that generates HTML. This HTML is opened inside the view. The XSLT in question
is: {pluginDirectory}/frameworks/xspec/src/reporter/unit-report-oxygen.xsl