Course Title: Introduction to Networks and Distributed Computing
cd P2P-File-System/Project/out/production/Project
javac -d ./ ../../../src/*.java
java ChordUser {port}
- In order to add files to the system, they must exist within the working directory of the folder created for {port} in P2P-File-System/Project/out/production/Project/
- The working directory for any {port} will be created when starting the program correctly with {port}, and it will have a 19-digit integer name (Example for port = 4001)
- Start another console window or tab and follow the same steps to run, then perform the following commands in the program (where {ip}:{port} is running in another console process):
join {ip} {port}
write {filename.extension}
read {filename.extension}
from a different console program (The file will downloaded to that console programs working directory)