A simple key value database implemented in Go.
Keys are case unsensitive.
- Set a key value pair
- Get a value by key
- Delete a key value pair
- Update a key value pair
- Health check
- Persist data to disk
- Cache data in memory
- Support remote access
- Support ttl/EXPR (Time To Live) for keys
- Support authentication passphrase
- Support hash for passphrase
- Support authentication with user and password (Not planned for first release)
- Version calls (Planned for first release)
- Get version of the server
- Manage access control (Not planned for first release)
- Support more data types (Not planned for first release)
- Support integers increment and decrement
- Support lists (Not planned for first release)
- Support encryption (Not planned for first release)
The server uses TCP to communicate with clients. The server listens on port 8080.
All messages start with a character that represents the type of the message / response.
String: The value to store is a string*
Array: The value to store is an array:
Integer: The value to store is an integer-
Error: The message is an error!
Command: The message is a command (GET, DEL, HEALTHCHECK)
The protocol is a delimiter based protocol. The delimiter is the newline character \n\r\n\r
- No support for concurrent access on the file system
You can mount the server.yml file to the container to change the configuration. The path must be /production/server.yml
docker build -t goval .
docker run -p 8080:8080 goval