Make your view controllers a custom backgroundvideo
Just add the STLBGVideo folder to your project.
- Add custom mp4 video to your project.
- You must fill 'C415F3F13BBD50B1-info.plist' in order to set up your own source video.
- Create a view controller that inherits from STLVideoViewController F:ViewController : STLVideoViewController.
- Run your project.
- If you find that in the course of the function is not working, I hope you will Issues.
- 公司demo效果:
- 把你自己的mp4文件拖拽到你的项目.
- 你需要把'C415F3F13BBD50B1-info.plist' 里的内容设置为你自己视频的信息.
- 让你自己的视图控制器继承STLVideoViewController.
- 运行你的程序.
- 如果在使用过程中发现功能不能正常使用,希望你能Issues我.