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Messaging Service Public API

KueiHua edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 60 revisions


Besides client side sdks, StraaS messaging service also provides server side api for higher privilege control actions. The server-to-server apis locate in an isolated cluster, which have hostname


All the public apis use app token authorization (how to get an app token?), which you have to provide bear token in request header.

And currently have following functions:

Chatroom api

  1. POST /public-chatrooms
  2. POST /public-chatroom (legacy endpoint, to be deprecated)
  3. GET /public-chatrooms
  4. DELETE /public-chatrooms

User api

  1. PUT /manager
  2. POST /chat-user
  3. GET /chat-user

Message api

  1. GET /sync-aggregated-data
  2. [To be deprecated]POST /archive-msg
  3. POST /app/messages
  4. PUT /banned_words
  5. GET /banned_words

Chat Metadata api

  1. POST /chat-meta
  2. GET /chat-meta

Chatroom API

Chatroom API could be used to create, update the data of chatrooms.

[POST] Create chatroom

Create a chatroom without an owner. Note that the chat_id in the response doesn't have to be stored, you can still get the chat_id later by providing chatroom name to our sdk.

  • Method: POST /public-chatrooms

  • Rate Limit:

    10 requests per second

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>" -X POST \
      -d '{"chatroom_name":"<CHATROOM_NAME>"}' \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]


      "chatroom_name": "straas-test"
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
    chat_id unique id of chat mongo generated id. it's useless in our message sdk, do not need to store it.
      "chat_id": "58104d56b1e769eb00e266fe"
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    409 Conflict chat existed
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error

[GET] List chatrooms

List all chatrooms under your account.

  • Method: Get /public-chatrooms

  • Rate Limit:

    10 requests per second

  • Example:

    curl -X GET \
    '<host>/public-chatrooms?page=1&per_page=100' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    page Page of results to fetch. default: 1
    per_page Number of results to return per page. default: 100, max: 100
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Response:

    • Headers

      • implement pagination with web linking RFC8288
      • example
      Link: <https://host_name/public_chatrooms?page=10&per_page=100>; rel="last",
      <https://host_name/public_chatrooms?page=2&per_page=100>; rel="next"
      Page: 1
      Per-Page: 100
      Total: 10


      • array of json
      Name Meaning Note
      chatroom_name custom self-defined
      created_at timestamp in RFC3339 format
          "chatroom_name": "room1",
          "created_at": "2019-11-12T10:09:08.374Z"
          "chatroom_name": "room2",
          "created_at": "2019-12-10T09:13:11.653Z"
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error

[DELETE] Delete chatroom

Delete chatroom.

  • Method: DELETE /public-chatrooms

  • Rate Limit:

    1 requests per second

  • Example:

    curl -X DELETE \
    <host>/public-chatrooms \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]


      "chatroom_name": "room1"
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    404 Not Found chatroom doesn't exist
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error

User API

User API could let you operate with your user data.

[PUT] Create or update a member's role in a chatroom

Change a member's role to be LOCAL_MANAGER or MODERATOR or NORMAL. (Detail about the role is in here) Note that, the member must existed under your account, or you would get an 404 error. (more details about creating new member)

  • Method: PUT /manager

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -X PUT \
      -d '{"member_id":"<MEMBER_ID>","chatroom_name":"<CHATROOM_NAME>","role":"<ROLE>"}' \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    member_id v
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]


      "member_id": "",
      "chatroom_name": "straas-test",
      "role": "LOCAL_MANAGER"
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    404 Not Found chat/member not found
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Rate Limit:

    10 requests per second

[POST] Add a member into chatroom

Add an existed member to a chatroom. Please note that adding a member into a chatroom is systematically creating the relationship between a member ID and a chatroom for further account manipulation, e.g. promoting as a chatroom manager while the member himself might actually stay out of the chatroom. The only way that a member can literally join in a chatroom and be able to chat with the others is through another API method connect(chatroomName, options), please see here for more details.

  • Method: POST /chat-user

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>" -X POST \
      -d '{
      }' \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]
    member_id v the member must be created by CMS create member API
    role v role of the member in the chatroom (MODERATOR|LOCAL_MANAGER|NORMAL), Please refer
  • Response:


  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    404 Not Found chatroom not found or member not found
    409 Conflict member already existed in chatroom
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Rate Limit:

    10 requests per second

[GET] Get a member's data of a chatroom

This API gets the member's data of some chatroom. A member might have different roles in different chats. Note that, this API only gets member's data (guest doesn't have member_id, and its role could only be NORMAL or BLOCKED)

  • Method: GET /chat-user

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" \
        -XGET <host>/chat-user?chatroom_name=<CHATROOM_NAME>&member_id=<MEMBER_ID>
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Query Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    member_id v
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
    name if member doesn't have a name, it would be member_id
    role more about role
      "member_id": "",
      "chatroom_name": "some_chat",
      "name": "some_name",
      "avatar_url": "https://some.picture/ooo.jpg",
      "peronsal_url": "some url",
      "role": "NORMAL"
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    404 Not Found chat/member not found
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Rate Limit:

    100 requests per second

Message API

Message APIs could let you sync and control related messages.

[GET] Sync Aggregated Data

Get recently(within two months) changed aggregated data of some chats that belong to some account

  • Method: GET /sync-aggregated-data

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>" \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    index v index for syncing
    page_size Number of results to return (1 ~ 1000), default is 100
  • Request Body:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
    next_index index for next sync get same value as input, means there doesn't have any new data
    data[] array contains aggregated data of chat empty if there doesn't have any new data
      "next_index": "1487080435000",
        "chat_id": "58104d56b1e769eb00e266fe",
        "chatroom_name": "chat1",
        "aggregated": [{ "key": "key1", "n": 11 }, { "key": "key2", "n": 22 }]
      }, {
        "chat_id": "58104d56b1e769eb00e777fe",
        "chatroom_name": "chat2",
        "aggregated": [{ "key": "key3", "n": 33 }]
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error

[POST] Archive Messages

Note that, this api is going to be deprecatd.

Since get-messages-by-chat API only allow users to retrieve recent messages, for the requirement to retrieve old messages, archive-msg API archives messages with user generated id and given date range. Although API only allows to archive recent messages too, archived messages will be kept for a long time. End user could retrieve archived messages via our SDK with the archive id.

  • Method: POST /archive-msg

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>" \
      -d '{
        "archiveId": "a123412341234123412341",
        "chatroomName": "testChatRoomName",
        "msgType": "text",
        "oldestDate": 1494801537000,
        "latestDate": 1494809537000
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Request Body:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    archiveId v user generated ID bind to the archive message id should match the regular expression pattern ^[A-Za-z0-9_-]{10,32}$
    chatroomName v the name of chatroom to archive
    msgType v indicate the type of sending msg "text" or "raw"
    oldestDate v unix timestamp in millisecond, oldestDate not older than (2 weeks)
    latestDate v unix timestamp in millisecond, latestDate - oldestDate <= 1 day
  • Response:


  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    404 Not Found chat room not found
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error

[POST] Create Message

Create a message from server side of some partners, then it would be broadcasted by socket event

  • Method: POST /app/messages

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -X POST \
      -d '{
        "chatroom_name": "<CHATROOM_NAME>",
        "msg_type": "text",
        "text": "some text"
      }' \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]
    msg_type text(default) or raw
    value json type, used in raw message max length of JSON.stringify(value) is 2048
    text string type, used in text message max length is 300. text would be cropped if it exceeds max length
  • for text message, new line would be replace by space

      text.replace(/\r?\n|\r/gm, " ")


      "chatroom_name": "straas-test",
      "msg_type": "text",
      "text": "this is a text message"
      "chatroom_name": "straas-test",
      "msg_type": "raw",
      "value": {
        "custom-defined-field": "this is a raw message"
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
    message_id unique id of message
      "message_id": "58104d56b1e769eb00e266fe"
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    404 Not Found chat not exist
    429 Too Many Request reach rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Socket Event:

    • event message for text message
    socket.emit("message", {
      "category": "SYSTEM",
      "text": "some text",
        "name": "system",
        "label": -1
    • event raw_data for raw message
    socket.emit("raw_data", {
      "category": "SYSTEM",
      "value": {
        "aaa": "bbb"
        "name": "system",
        "label": -1

[PUT] Set banned word

  • Set banned words which would be blocked in the chatroom

  • Method: PUT /banned-words

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -X PUT \
      -d '{
        "banned_words": ["只有", "支援", "中文"]
      }' \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    banned_words v maximum number of banned word is 500
    • only support Chinese character
    • it would update all banned words in database, if you want to keep old banned words, remember to put those old banned words in api body
      • e.g. have ["a"], set ["b"], get only ["b"]; set ["a", "b"] to get both
    • set an empty array to clear all banned words
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong / expired token
    429 Too Many Request reach rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Rate Limit:

    10 requests per second

[GET] Get banned word

  • Method: GET /banned-words

  • Example:

      curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>" -X GET \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Query Parameters: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Response:


    Name Meaning Note
    banned_words array of string
      "banned_words": ["只有", "支援", "中文"]
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong / expired token
    429 Too Many Request reach rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Rate Limit:

    10 requests per second

Chat Metadata API

Chat Metadata API could be used to get and set chat metadata of chatrooms.

[POST] Chat Metadata

Set a metadata key-value pair to a chatroom

  • Method: POST /chat-meta

  • Example:

      curl -X POST \
      -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>" \ \
      -d '{
        "chatroom_name": "testChatRoomName",
        "key": "some_key",
        "value": {"aaa": 10, "bbb": 5},
        "broadcast": true
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
  • Request Body: application/json

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]
    key v key of a metadatda pair key must match regular expression ^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9_-@#]{0,29}$
    value v value of metadata pair value must be a valid JSON, the max size of broadcasting metadata is 1k and none-broadcasting is 4k
    broadcast v indicate metadata is broadcasting or not
  • Response:


  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    403 Forbidden operation is not allowed
    404 Not Found chat room not found
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Socket Event:

    • if input broadcast is true, server would emit meta event

      socket.emit("meta", [{
        key: "some_key",
        scope: "chat",
        value: {"aaa": 10, "bbb": 5},
        version: 1
  • Rate Limit:

    Type Limit
    Broadcast 1 request per second per chatroom
    None-broadcast 30 request per second per chatroom
  • Remark:

    Each chatroom is allowed to store 100 different metadata keys, setting more than 100 keys will lead to Forbidden(403) response

[GET] Chat Metadata

Query metadata key-value pairs of a chatroom

  • Method: GET /chat-meta

  • Example:

      curl \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer <APP_TOKEN>" \
  • Headers:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    Authorization v app token belongs to partner JWT generated from CMS, contains account_id
  • Parameters:

    Name Mandatory Meaning Note
    chatroom_name v length range [2, 60]
    keys array contains keys to query query all keys associated to the chatroom if not specified
  • Response:

    Name Meaning Note
    meta array of Model Meta
    Name Meaning
    scope scope of metadata
    key key of a metadata pair
    value value of a metadata pair
    broadcast broadcasting or not
      "meta": [
          "scope": "chat",
          "key": "aaa",
          "value": {"a":10},
          "broadcast": true
          "scope": "chat",
          "key": "aaa",
          "value": [4, 5, 6, 7],
          "broadcast": false
          "scope": "chat",
          "key": "bbb",
          "value": null,
          "broadcast": true
  • Error Response:

    Code Type Description
    400 Bad Request invalid parameter
    401 Unauthorized wrong /expired token
    404 Not Found chat room not found
    429 Too Many Request hit rate limit
    500 Internal Server Error
  • Rate Limit:

    10 requests per second per chatroom

  • Remark:

    When keys are given, API only responses with existed keys, even no keys were found at all

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