Releases: StrawberryPerl/Perl-Dist-Strawberry
Strawberry Perl 64-bit UCRT
Strawberry Perl
MSI, portable and PDL editions.
Compiled using GCC 13.2 with UCRT.
Main differences from a standard Windows perl build using GCC:
- POSIX has been patched as per
- Code is compiled using the same optimisations as Strawberry Perl This uses additional options compared to the default -Os.
Strawberry Perl
MSI, portable and PDL editions.
Compiled using GCC 13.2, with UCRT.
This will be promoted to a full release if no issues are raised.
Main differences from the vanilla perl:
- POSIX has been patched as per
- Code is compiled using the same optimisations as Strawberry Perl This uses additional options compared to the default
Known issues:
- The originally uploaded portable versions do not function correctly at the moment (see #200). Use the variants ending in
Strawberry Perl
Development release of Strawberry Perl using Perl 5.40.0-RC1.
Note that the version of the Perl executable contained in the zip file has been set to to avoid possible later confusion.
Not all modules are currently packaged. Known issues are being tracked under the perl-5.40 tag: see
The .../c/bin
dir needs to be cleaned up. It contains Winlibs utilities that are not needed for the final release.
Note: There are minor differences from the tag, committed after that tag.
54e5335 fixes issues with the portableshell batch files not working on some systems (discovered after packaging). The zip file was manually updated rather than run a whole new build.
00d41c7 was used in the build process.
Patched CPAN modules
This provides a location from which we can distribute CPAN modules patched to work against versions of Strawberry Perl.
Strawberry Perl 64-bit
Perl 5.39.10, 64 bit.
This is provided for testing purposes.
Some modules are not packaged due to build or test failures (e.g. CryptX, GD).
Strawberry Perl 64-bit
Perl 5.38.2 for 64-bit environments.
Key differences from the 5.38.0 release are:
- The
files have been removed. They caused clashes with other toolchains. - The patch utility is now the same as the one provided with Strawberry Perl 5.32. The one provided with SP 5.38.0 and SP 5.36.1 does not work properly. StrawberryPerl/build-extlibs#51
- All external libs packaged with 5.32.1 are part of the distribution.
- DBD::MySql is not provided. Newer versions of DBD::MySql require a more recent version of libmysql, which is not yet part of the build system (but see #157).
- This perl is built with additional compiler optimisations. If there are any instabilities then these will need to be reverted.
Note that this release uses the same compiler toolchain as version so will have the same UTF-8 locale issues. See #150.
Strawberry Perl 64-bit
Perl 5.38.2 for 64-bit environments.
Key differences from the 5.38.0 release are:
- The
files have been removed. They caused clashes with other toolchains. - The patch utility is now the same as the one provided with Strawberry Perl 5.32. The one provided with SP 5.38.0 and SP 5.36.1 does not work properly. StrawberryPerl/build-extlibs#51
- libfribidi is now part of the distribution.
- DBD::MySql is not provided. Newer versions of DBD::MySql require a more recent version of libmysql, which is not yet part of the build system (but see #157).
Note that this release uses the same compiler toolchain as version so will have the same UTF-8 locale issues. See #150.
Strawberry Perl 64-bit
Perl 5.36.3 for 64-bit environments.
Key differences from the 5.36.1 release are:
- The
files have been removed. They caused clashes with other toolchains. - The patch utility is now the same as the one provided with Strawberry Perl 5.32. The one provided with SP 5.38.0 and SP 5.36.1 does not work properly. StrawberryPerl/build-extlibs#51
- libfribidi is now part of the distribution.
- DBD::MySql is not provided. Newer versions of DBD::MySql require a more recent version of libmysql, which is not yet part of the build system (but see #157).
Note that this release uses the same compiler toolchain as version so will have the same UTF-8 locale issues. See #150.
Strawberry Perl 5.38.2, 32-bit
Perl 5.38.2 for 32-bit environments.
Key differences from the 64-bit releases are:
- The files under the c directory are the same as the 32-bit SP 5.32.1 release. This means, for example, that gcc is version 8.3.0.
- Not all of the CPAN libs are packaged.
dev release 5.38 32-bit cut-down
This is a development release of Perl 5.38.1 for 32-bit environments.
Key differences from the 64-bit releases are:
- The files under the
directory are the same as the 32-bit SP 5.32.1 release. This means, for example, that gcc is version 8.3.0. - Not all of the CPAN libs have been installed. (The final version might have even fewer).
Note also that the Perl 5.38.1 release is pending some final changes, and might be replaced by a 5.38.2 release.