Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Give a man an 8x8 LED, an Arduino Nano, and a gyroscope, and you get whatever this thing is.
- A revolutionary 3 (three) levels.
- Advanced tilt controls. No pesky buttons.
- Epic victory screens.
- Lots of wires.
- Life ruining gaming experience.
Truth is, I forgot. I made this project ages ago. Also, I'm pretty stupid. I still remember all the components though.
- MPU6050 gyroscope (you tilt like in mario kart -> this thing goes brr -> epic)
- 8x8 LED array. This thing has 24 pins and each LED can be either red or green (or yellow if you turn on both components). I forgot the sensor name but I remember when I went to look up the datasheet I had to deepL it from Russian.
- 2 shift registers. The arduino don't got enough pins for all this BS.
- An arduino. This thing's like, important or something.
- Did I say wires yet? Fuck it, 30 billion wires. A breadboard is also good. Maybe even 2.
- A battery. I tried using a lemon. Didn't work and I got lemon everywhere.
Me. I did this. So cool.
So epic omg. I manage my cables like how I manage my problematic collection of empty chip wrappers.
Here's another view. The yellow LED represents the spot where you last died.
The two shift registers. Also, cables. I love cables.
Dark picture. Such photo. So wow.
Spicy tuna and pork chashu onigiri. I could've rotated this picture. I didn't. If you really care that much then submit a PR crying about how much you want me to rotate the onigiri picture.