I got the inspiration to build this website from my mother. She has started her pickle making business and this is my small contribution towards that.
It is an ecommerce site which will help my mother with her business. This will increase the revenue and reach of her business.
I build it using React and CSS animations and deployed it using Github pages.
- The landing page animation was a real challenge to make.
- The slider part and the catalogue section were also slightly challenging
- I am proud that i was able to make this beautiful website. Also i am really proud of how it came up, the animations, menu section, catalogue... I'll add more improvements in the near future.
- I learned a lot about react, css animations and how to deploy react app using github pages.
- In future i'll add a payments interface, login/logout, order tracking, responsiveness, and other functionalities to my project, create it more user friendly and market ready.