You can also search for an excellent community base cheat sheet tldr
and you can also set it to be displayed at the same time as your own.
I don't have an x86_64 computer at hand, so I can't check the operation of the package,
so I would appreciate it if you could report that it doesn't work..
using pip
normaly. from pypi
pip install uhelp
Package and install directly from this repository with pip
pip install git+
You may get an error because this repository have a lot of fine tldr dictionary files,
you may need the following config set extend Git buffer
git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000
deb packageDownload the latest release at the bottom that matches your computer's CPU architecture
Cannot be installed on Termux! if proot-distro environment is possible
It is a deb package that uses the compiled Python source.
Please Make the X.X.X_***** part the same as the downloaded filename
or specify it with a wildcard like uhelp*.deb
apt install ./uhelp_X.X.X_*****.deb
*Do not install the PIP version and the DEB version together.*
Both are a method of starting the program by creating a symbolic link with the same name(uh) in usr/bin.
So it is possible that one will not start.
If you install with pip, you can call it with uh
and if you install deb with apt, you can call it with uh
or uhelp
show your command reference example below in case ls
uh ls
uhelp ls
priority is User Dictionary > Built-in Dictionary
uh -e [command name]
The text editor opens and you can edit it with reference to the description.
*About Tags Available for Editing*
it's possible to specify the basically textual/rich console markup tag syntax,
like [blue][/blue] or [#ffffff on blue][/]
The tags that are likely to be used in uhelp are defined in the rich_theme_manager directory included with the program.
[codez], [warning] .etc
uh -r [command name]
uh -v [theme name]
Now you can choose from 5 options: default, retro, retro2, simple, fruits
default | cyber |
retro | retro2 |
simple | fruits |
uh -t [command name]
Command help mode using only tldr pages
Check out the uhelp dictionary for other options such as backups and restores.uh uhelp
As a bonus feature, there is a function to take a short note before falling asleep
uh -s i try fix suboutput function.but I think I'm going to sleep
uh -s "i try fix suboutput function.but I think I'm going to sleep"
Record up to 10 records
To view choose on prompt 'no'
👤 Suletta-Majo
- Github: @Suletta-Majo
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
appendix: A very useful tools used to create this page!!
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