In these weeks we introduced you to the basics of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, how to opperate github and learned basic git commands.
Some challenges you may have faced during these first few weeks could've been struggling with the syntax, understanding data types, and functions.
About Me - 6/2/2020 Web calculator part 1 - 6/9/2020 Web calculator part 2 - 6/16/2020
*web-calculator (Part 1): You will be tasked to update the CSS of the calculator allowing a user to add two numbers together and present them with the answer. Material for this assignment can be found in the week 01 slides. Info for each homework. Note which slides homework is mentioned.
web-calculator (Part 2): Your goal will be to update your calculator to perform all four basic math operations (+,-,,/). Material for this assignment can be found within the week 02 slides.
*Test Driven Development: You will be tasked with using TDD to to implement a strictEqual() function. Material for this assignment can be found within the week 03 slides.
- Week 1:
- Week 2:
- Week 3:
- Week 1 & 2:
- Week 3:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
In these weeks you will learn how to use the Visual Studio Code debugger, breakdown and learn how to read lines of code, and spend time in class writing if statements and different types of loops.
Challenges may include understanding what blocks of code are doing, how to begin writing a function, and getting the syntax for loops and statements down.
Fantasy Scoring - 6/30/2020 Password Validator - 7/7/2020 Hazy Calculator - 7/14/2020 Order Book - 8/13/2020
*Week 05:
*fantasy-scoring: In this assignment you were tasked with finding out the score for players from 4 different positions with each position having its own method of scoring.
*password-validator: In this assignment you must write code that when a password is sent through your function it will tell you wether that password meets all the requirements needed.
*hazy-calculator: In this assignment you need to write code that will perform mathmatical equations if whatever is inputed meets all the requirements given.
*Order-book: For this portfolio project you will be required to create a function and write out the code needed to have all the tests pass.
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
In these weeks we go over functional programing and introduce you to the .filter(), .map(), and .reduce() methods. We also introduced you to the weekly 10-10-10 challnges were our goal is to get you to create various functions to better your skill and understanding of JavaScript.
Some challenges you may have might be understanding the differences between the three different methods and knowing when, where and how to use them all.
The Perfect Lineup - 7/28/2020 Order Book - 8/13/2020
*Week 07 and 08:
*the-perfect-lineup: In this assignment you were given a set of rules for each game thats been played and you must write code that checks if those rules have been broken or not and get all the tests to pass.
*Order-book: For this portfolio project you will be required to create a function and write out the code needed to have all the tests pass.
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 7:
Week 8:
In these weeks you will learn about HTTP methods, Express, and Rest API's. We will cover the purposes for each and how to use them.
This will be your first time working with these so some challenges you might experience could understanding the way they all work and how to implement it into your code.
store-manager-api - 8/04/2020 Order Book - 8/13/2020
- store-manager-api: To assist you with your industry project you have been given the base code for creating a database and you have been tasked to add on to it.
*Order-book: For this portfolio project you will be required to create a function and write out the code needed to have all the tests pass.
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 9:
Week 10:
In these two weeks you will be familiarizing yourself with React and how to build front end applications with React.
Some challenges you might face could be understanding the differences between frontend and backend development and how they connect and work together.
store-manager-api: 8/18 storefront: 8/25 Portfolio site: 9/30
store-manager-api: For week 11 you will continue to impement the things youve learned in class to improve your store manager api.
storefront: Your assignmet is to use what you learned in class and add on to your storefront.
Portfolio site: Using the skills you've learned from the bootcamp you will make a webpage that you can show to possible employers.
Week 11:
Week 12:
Week 11:
Week 12:
Week 11:
Week 12:
In these three weeks we will be going over testing with react and creating mysql databases.
Some challenges you might face is understanding and getting familiar with MYSql and sequelize.
personal website: 9/1 sequelize basics: 9/8 sequelize relationships: 9/25 Portfolio site: 9/30
Personal Website: Using your knowledge youve gained between week 10-12 you've been given the challenge of making your own webpage.
Sequelize Basics: You've just been introduce to MYSql and sequelize and have been given code that was worked on together in class. Your task was to use what youve learned and create your own model.
Sequelize Relationships: Your goal is to create a REST API for accessing data.
Portfolio site: Using the skills you've learned from the bootcamp you will make a webpage that you can show to possible employers.
Week 13:
Week 14:
Week 15:
Week 13:
Week 14:
Week 15:
Week 13:
Week 14:
Week 15:
In these two weeks we are covering data migrations, and an introduction to DevOps.
As the course comes to a close some challenges you might face may be having a basic understanding with Mysql and sequelize and feeling confident with your skills. You may also struggle with understanding DevOps.
Portfolio site: 9/30
Portfolio site: Using the skills you've learned from the bootcamp you will make a webpage that you can show to possible employers.