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Soft Requirements Specification

allan edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 32 revisions

SRS - Software Requirements Specification

Risk Status[example1]

Optional: SRS External Document:



[TO DO: Please provide a brief introduction to your project and a brief overview of what the reader will find in this section.]

Goal [ref][ex1]

[A project goal describes the projects impact: the long-term effects that should (also) be triggered. The words “The project will contribute to…” are often used here. This reveals that the intended results at this higher level are in the main not concrete, nor can they be exclusively attributed to this project. The project goal provides the link between the project and its direct effects (project objective), and the overarching goals both within and outside the organisation.]


[The features and functions that characterize a product, service, or result.]



Use cases

Actor & Stakeholer Table[ex1]

User Stories[ex1]

Main Use-case Diagram[ex1]

UC1 Name of usecase

Brief Description

Actor Brief Descriptions


Basic Flow of Events

Alternative Flows


Special Requirements

UC2 Name of usecase



Other / Non-functional Requirements

Environmental Requirements[ex1]

Hardware Requirements[ex1]

Participant Client

Company Client

Additional Requirements[ex1]

User Interface Prototype[ex1][ex2]

Requirements Table (optional)