Releases: SumoLogic/sumologictoolbox
SumoToolBox version 0.11.1
SumoToolBox version 0.11
This release includes:
- Packages! Package up your configuration items and deploy them at org creation time or later.
- Updated "Organizations" Tab -> Create Org: You can now configure a subdomain and push a package as part of the org provisioning process.
- Updated "Organizations" Tab -> Package Editor: Create Packages from configuration files (which copied from Sumo to your local filesystem first.)
- Updated "Organizations" Tab -> Package Deploy: Deploy a package to one or more existing orgs. Multi-threaded. Great for pushing configuration items to multiple orgs simultaneously.
- Various Bugfixes.
Please read the changelog for more details.
To use these binaries simply create a folder (with write permissions), copy the binary into it, and make it executable (on mac and linux.)
When you execute the binary some files will get created during this process, including an ini and a log file (a db file too if you make one.)
When it's time to upgrade just replace the binary, leave everything else in place.
Note: If you are on a Mac you will need to run the executable from a shell. Double clicking it will not work.
SumoToolBox version 0.10
This is a major release that includes a complete re-factor of the code base. Highlights include:
- Most tabs are multithreaded now
- The old "backup" and "restore" buttons have been replaced by a new "Filesystem" option available from the "region" dropdown
- Cloud SIEM Enterprise content is now supported in the form of Rules, Log Mappings, and Custom Insights (requires unified creds/API)
- Organizations Tab updated for GA release of Organizations (look for configuration packages soon.)
- A new wiki
Please read the changelog for more details.
To use these binaries simply create a folder (with write permissions), copy the binary into it, and make it executable (on mac and linux.)
When you execute the binary some files will get created during this process, including an ini and a log file (a db file too if you make one.)
When it's time to upgrade just replace the binary, leave everything else in place.
Note: If you are on a Mac you will need to run the executable from a shell. Double clicking it will not work.
Sumotoolbox v0.9.1
This update fixes the following issues. It is highly recommended that you upgrade to this version.
- Cloud 2 Cloud sources use a different JSON schema than other source types. This caused crashes of the tool when attempting to access these/manipulate these sources in the "Collectors" and "Source Update" panels.
- Users with the exact same names caused issues in the "Content" panel (when looking at user folder of that user) and also in the "Users and Roles" panel.
Sumotoolbox v0.9
Added support for SAML configs, Unified Monitors, Connections, and Sumo Logic Organizations (Alpha).
As always check the changelog for all the updates.
These downloads are simple executables, not packages. Make a directory, put them in it, run them. Replace the binary when a new version is released.