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The SunGard standard release script for HTML5 projects.

version: 1.0.0

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This task provides a standard workflow for creating releases on git repositories. It extends the grunt-bump plugin task in order to provide some of the essential release steps. Getting to know both tasks will help a lot when you want to configure your custom releases.



First of all, this plugin requires Grunt. If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins.

Git, Bower and npm

In order to use this task you will need git installed and available as a system-wide command. npm and Bower are also required in order to validate HTML5 packages but you can disable this validation using the configurable options.

Gitflow branches

This release task was created to work with the Gitflow Workflow. If your Git repository is not using something similar, chances are that you do not should use this plugin.

Your Git repository will need to have both develop and master branches created and pushed to the remote server. Also, do not try to recreate existing versions, this will break grunt-bump release cycle.

Getting Started

Once you're familiar with all the requirements, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-sg-release --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "sg_release" task


In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named sg_release to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

  sg_release: {
    myTarget: {
      options: {
        skipBowerInstall: true,
        developBranch: 'develop',
        masterBranch: 'master',
        files: [
        commitMessage: 'Release v%VERSION%',
        commitFiles: ['-a'], // '-a' for all files
        pushTo: 'origin',
        mergeOptions: ''



Type: Boolean Default value: false

Skip the execution of bower install command


Type: Boolean Default value: false

Skip the execution of npm install command


Type: String Default value: 'develop'

Name of the branch used as a "development branch" in your repository.


Type: String Default value: 'master'

Name of the branch used as a "master branch" in your repository.


Type: String Default value: 'release'

Name prefix of the branch used as a temporary release branch in your repository.


Type: String Default value: ''

Prefix to be added before the commit messages below. It's just an empty string by default. Also note that a space will be always added between the prefix and the message.


Type: String Default value: 'Merge into develop'

Commit message to be used when merging changes into the develop branch.


Type: String Default value: 'Merge into master'

Commit message to be used when merging changes into the master branch.


Type: String Default value: 'Increased version for development'

Commit message to be used in the development version update commit.


Type: String Default value: 'upstream'

Reference to the git remote repository to push to.


Type : String Default value: ''

Merge options are applied during the merge of one branch into another, e.g. for automatically applying the option to always auto-merge 'theirs' you can pass '--strategy-option theirs', see


Type: Boolean Default value: 'false'

If true, the task will ony create the release branch and change the version. Useful for e.g. hotfixes that are done by multiple participants.

A sample configuration for a release & hotfix approach could be :

  sg_release: {
        options: {
            skipBowerInstall: true,
            skipNpmInstall: true,
            files: [
            commitFiles: ['-a'],
            tagName: '%VERSION%',
            developBranch: 'develop',
            masterBranch: 'master',
            pushTo: "origin"
        release: {
            options: {
                commitMessage: 'Release v%VERSION%',
                tempReleaseBranch: 'release',
                push: false,
                createTag: true
        hotfixStart: {
            options: {
                commitMessage: 'Hotfix ' + grunt.option('releaseVersion'),
                tempReleaseBranch: 'hotfix',
                push: true,
                startOnly: true
        hotfixFinish: {
            options: {
                commitMessage: 'Hotfix ' + grunt.option('releaseVersion'),
                tempReleaseBranch: 'hotfix',
                finishOnly: true,
                deleteRemoteBranch : true

A release can then be made with grunt sg_release:release --releaseVersion 2.0.0 --developVersion 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT. A hotfix can be started with grunt sg_release:hotfixStart --releaseVersion 2.0.1 --developVersion 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT and finished with grunt sg_release:hotfixFinish --releaseVersion 2.0.1 --developVersion 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.


Type: Boolean Default value: 'false'

If true, the task will finish a release that was started with startOnly.


Type: Boolean Default value: 'false'

If true, the branch pushed to the remote earlier will get deleted.

grunt-bump options

Additionally to all the available options listed above, all the grunt-bump options are available to be configured when using this task.

Usage Example

In this example all possible configurable values are listed with their default values inside the options property of sg_release task. Feel free to modify them inside your Gruntfile to better suit your project configuration.

  sg_release: {
    options: {
      // sg_release specific properties
      skipBowerInstall: false,
      skipBowerInstall: false,
      developBranch: 'develop',
      masterBranch: 'master',
      tempReleaseBranch: 'release',
      commitMessagePrefix: '',
      mergeToDevelopMsg: 'Merge into develop',
      mergeToMasterMsg: 'Merge into master',
      developVersionCommitMsg: 'Increased version for development',
      startOnly: false,
      finishOnly: false,
      deleteRemoteBranch: false,
      // pushTo and tagName are overlapped properties, used by both sg_release and grunt-bump
      pushTo: 'upstream',
      tagName: 'v%VERSION%',
      // grunt-bump specific options
      bumpVersion: true,
      files: ['package.json'],
      updateConfigs: [], // array of config properties to update (with files)
      commit: true,
      commitMessage: 'Release v%VERSION%',
      commitFiles: ['package.json'], // '-a' for all files
      createTag: true,
      tagMessage: 'Version %VERSION%',
      push: false, // push during the first bump phase is deactivated by default
      gitDescribeOptions: '--tags --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d'

Setting release version number

When running the task you will be prompted to enter the release version number. Additionally, you will also be prompted to enter a version number to be used on the develop branch.

It is possible to specify a releaseVersion and developVersion on command line in order to skip these question and use the provided values when invoking the task.

See the example below when using grunt@0.x.x:

grunt sg_release --releaseVersion 1.0.0 --developVersion 1.0.1-rc

See the example below when using grunt@1.x.x:

grunt sg_release --releaseVersion=1.0.0 --developVersion=1.0.1-rc

Creating a hotfix

A hotfix follows the same flow as a release but it usually branches off the master branch. All you have to do is to first checkout the master branch, then call the sg_release task.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.


Copyright (c) 2014 SunGard. Licensed under the MIT license.


The SunGard standard release script for HTML5 projects.







No packages published

Contributors 4
