Reproduce DeFi hack incidents using Foundry.
563 incidents included.
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Notion: 101 root cause analysis of past DeFi hacked incidents
Disclaimer: This content serves solely as a proof of concept showcasing past DeFi hacking incidents. It is strictly intended for educational purposes and should not be interpreted as encouraging or endorsing any form of illegal activities or actual hacking attempts. The provided information is for informational and learning purposes only, and any actions taken based on this content are solely the responsibility of the individual. The usage of this information should adhere to applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards.
Follow the instructions to install Foundry.
Clone and install dependencies:
git submodule update --init --recursive
All articles are also published on Substack.
- Lesson 1: Tools ( English | 中文 | Vietnamese | Korean | Spanish )
- Lesson 2: Warm up ( English | 中文 | Korean | Spanish )
- Lesson 3: Write Your Own PoC (Price Oracle Manipulation) ( English | 中文 | Korean | Spanish )
- Lesson 4: Write Your Own PoC (MEV Bot) ( English | 中文 | Korean | Spanish )
- Lesson 5: Rugpull Analysis ( English | 中文 | Spanish )
- Lesson 6: Write Your Own PoC (Reentrancy) ( English | 中文 | Spanish )
- Lesson 7: Hack Analysis: Nomad Bridge, August 2022 ( English | 中文 | Spanish )

If you appreciate our work, please consider donating. Even a small amount helps us continue developing and improving our projects, and promoting web3 security.
- Gitcoin - Donate DeFiHackLabs
- EVM Chains - 0xD7d6215b4EF4b9B5f40baea48F41047Eb67a11D5
- Giveth
20240703 UnverifiedContr_0x452E25
20240610 UwuLend - Price Manipulation
20231201 UnverifiedContr_0x431abb
20230715 USDTStakingContract28
20221024 MulticallWithoutCheck
20221011 Rabby Wallet SwapRouter
20220908 Ragnarok Online Invasion
20220701 Quixotic - Optimism NFT Marketplace
20220624 Harmony's Horizon Bridge
20220608 Optimism - Wintermute
20220430 Rari Capital/Fei Protocol
Before 2020
Phalcon | Tx tracer | Cruise | Ethtx | Tenderly | eigenphi
ABI to interface | Get ABI for unverified contracts | ETH Calldata Decoder | ETHCMD - Guess ABI | Abi tools
Slowmist | Defillama | De.Fi | Rekt | Cryptosec | BlockSec
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-03/DCFToken_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-03/wKeyDAO_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-03/wKeyDAO_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-03/H2O_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version cancun
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2024-12/CloberDEX_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version cancun
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-02/HegicOptions_exp.sol -vvv
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-02/Bybit_exp.sol -vvv
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-02/FourMeme_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/ODOS_exp.sol -vvv
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/Ast_exp.sol -vvv
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/Paribus_exp.sol -vvv
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/Mosca2_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/RoulettePotV2_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/JPulsepot_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/LPMine.sol -vvv --evm-version cancun
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/IPC_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version cancun
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/Mosca_exp.sol -vvv --evm-version shanghai
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/sorraStaking.sol -vv --evm-version cancun
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/98Token_exp.sol -vvvv --evm-version cancun
forge test --contracts ./src/test/2025-01/LAURAToken_exp.sol -vvv
Foundry also has the ability to report the gas
used per function call which mimics the behavior of hardhat-gas-reporter. Generally speaking if gas costs per function call is very high, then the likelihood of its success is reduced. Gas optimization is an important activity done by smart contract developers.
Every poc in this repository can produce a gas report like this:
forge test --gas-report --contracts <contract> -vvv
For Example: Let us find out the gas used in the Audius poc
forge test --gas-report --contracts ./src/test/Audius.exp.sol -vvv
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