This is a Checkers Game implemented in C# using WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) documentation with MVVM architecture (Model-View-View-Model) pattern.
- C#
- MVVM for App architecture
- WPF for user interface
- Classic Checkers gameplay
- Multiple jumps for capturing opponent's pieces
- Save game option
- Open saved games
- Create new games
- Use the mouse to interact with the game board and pieces.
- Click on a piece to select it, then click on a valid destination to move the piece.
- If multiple jumps button is selected from menu, the game will prompt for further moves after each jump.
- Use the New Game option to start a new game.
- Use the Open option to load a previously saved game.
- Use the Save option to save the current game state.
- Feel free to fork this project and do whatever you see fit with it , you can better it anytime. Remember, it's our code :P