To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
You should import header first
#import "AlertHelper.h"
If you want alert some text for tips, pls used
AlertText(self.view).title(@"这是一条提示信息").show(); // it will hide delay 1.5s, replace self.view to your target source view.
If you want alert and need operate some thing, pls used
If you want do some thing when dismiss completion, pls used
// do some thing at this.
If you want alert in the window, pls used
If you want custom configuration, pls used
AlertText(self.view).title(@"").font([UIFont ..]).titleColor([UIColor ..]).show(); // it have some comtus set, pls use it.
also you can set global configuration like this
// declare the HelperConfigurationHandler object.
void CustomConfigurationForAlertHelper(ZZAlertHelper *alertHelper);
@interface ExampleClass()
@implementation ExampleClass
// call this function at app launch<AppDelegate.m> or at the global app preference.
- (void)setupAppPerference
// call the function to set the HelperConfigurationHandler object at AlertHelper.m.
// setup custom config at here.
void CustomConfigurationForAlertHelper(ZZAlertHelper *alertHelper)
alertHelper.titleLabelTextColor = [UIColor blackColor];
alertHelper.textFont = [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:17];
AlertHelper is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AlertHelper'
SunnyXG,, if you have any issues and suggest, please email to me, thanks.
AlertHelper is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.