An Emoji based Password Manager for iOS, iPadOS and macOS. Every record has its own encrpytion key. That key is encrypted with a private key based on a unqiue algorithm. Data is encrypted end-ot-end by Apple using the user's iCloud account. The user's data is protected with Biometrics or the user's iCloud password. I decided to make this software open source for transparency. No personal info or data is collected by this App.
Disclaimer: If you do not purchase from the AppStore, iCloudKit data protection may not work. In addition, if you manually turn off iCloud or remove Emoji-Pass-X data from your iCloud, the data most likely will not be backed up to your iCloud account. We take no responsibility for data loss. No information is stored away from your devices or iCloud. There is not secondary backup. When used properly, Emoji-Pass-X encrpyted data resides on the device and is synced with the user's iCloud account. If this data is somehow removed from the user's iCloud, and all devices on that account that used Emoji-Pass-X are erased, there is no way to recover this sensitive data.
We may one day include an in-app subscribtion to keep secondary backup and history. This future feature will be for premium users only and will not be open sourced.
No personal data is stored outside the user's control.
Emoji-Pass-X Source Code License Agreement
Copyright (c) 2009 - 2024, Todd Bruss. All Rights Reserved. Only Todd Bruss may submit this code to AppStore.
This license governs the use of the Emoji Pass X source code, located at By accessing or viewing the source code, you agree to the following terms:
Prohibited Use The source code is provided for reference and personal review only. You may not copy, distribute, modify, reproduce, publish, sublicense, or use the source code for any purpose. Commercial, non-commercial, and educational use of the source code is strictly prohibited.
No Redistribution or Derivative Works You may not distribute, transfer, or create derivative works from any part of the source code. Reverse engineering, decompiling, or otherwise extracting the code for use in other projects is not permitted.
No License to Use in Products This license does not grant permission to integrate or incorporate the source code into any software, product, or project, including open-source or proprietary applications.
Termination of Access Access to the source code may be revoked at any time at the sole discretion of the author, Todd Bruss. Any unauthorized use will result in legal action.
Disclaimer The source code is provided "as-is" without any warranties, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
Copyright Notice All copyright and intellectual property rights in the source code remain with Todd Bruss.