SuperTux 0.5.0-rc.3
Pre-releaseThe SuperTux team is excited to announce the availability of the third release candidate for the upcoming stable release 0.5.0 after less than a year of development. The most prominent change for this release is a new in-game level editor which allows you to create levels and worldmaps on-the-fly from within SuperTux itself.
For more information on the changes in the upcoming 0.5.0 release, please see the NEWS, the 0.5.0-rc.1 announcement, and the 0.5.0-rc.2 announcement.
Changes from 0.5.0-rc.2 (2016-08-10):
- Editor: Torch: make it possible to change the sprite (#541)
- Don't turn Tux into stone above ground when using earth bonus (#537)
- WillOWisp: get name property in order to fix a scripting issue (#529)
- Editor: don't play WillOWisp sound
- Editor: move moving objects to the center of the mouse pointer when adding
- Editor: Switch: make sprite option visible again
- Make use of auto pointers and modern iterators where appropriate
- README: various updates related to download count
- Save and load visibility of SpriteChange tiles in squirrel table (#342)
- Editor: Fix an issue where the name of a scripted object wouldn't be saved (#557)
- Editor: add an alignment option for background (#547)
- Editor: Better approach for layer removal (#510)
- Add a launcher script for Windows builds (#443)
Update 1, 2016-08-27 08:57 UTC+2 (@maxteufel): By now, a source tarball, an OS X build, as well as Windows 32-bit and 64-bit builds have been uploaded and added below. Linux builds still need some work and will be available via OBS.
Update 2, 2016-08-31 09:15 UTC+2 (@maxteufel): Linux builds are now available via OBS!
If you'd like to help with SuperTux development, you can find more resources in our wiki at Please get in touch with us. The fastest way is usually IRC, but please wait if you don't get an answer immediately. We urgently need more graphic designers and developers for future releases, help in these areas would be really appreciated.