Following are the specification of lifecycle:-
Git Workflow has to be implemented
Code Build should automatically trigreed once commit is made to main branch or develop branch
-if commit is made to master branch ,test and push to prod
-if commit is made to develop branch,just test the product,do not push the prod -
The code is containerised with the help of Dockerfile.The Dockerfile built every time there is a push to github.
-The code reside in '/var/www/html'
Once the website is build, I designed a test case,which basically checks if the website can be opened or not.if yes test should pass.This test run i headless mode,on the test server.
The above task is defined in a Jenkins pipeline ,with the following Jobs
job1-Building Website
Job2-Testing Website
job3-Push to production
Created 3 Server on AWS "t2.micro"
Server 1-It consist of jenkins master and nagios installed
Server 2-Testing Server,Jenkins Slave
Server 3-Prod Server,Jenkins Slave
Checkout the website here:-