This repository have projects which I developed during my internship.
There are 2 branches included in this repo:-
1)SmartMed- Smart web app for a social working doctor who was having trouble with<br/> storing and maintaining data of hundreds of patient. This webapp stores<br/> i)information of patients,<br/> ii)records visits of patients,<br/> iii) stored documents and medical reports of patient in database.<br/> Built using Angular + Django, Django-Rest-Framework.
2)Number Plate Detection and Recognition- Having a common parking leads in illegal parking of cars everyday.<br/> This app helps our admins to know if any car parked in our parking lot is legally parked or not.<br/> Using Latest text detection algorithm and one of the most accurate Tesseract OCR<br/> this projects detects and recognizes number of cars.<br/> Backend written in python and frontend in Angular.