Scribo is a logging module for Node.js. It can do 2 simple things - log events and measure how long operations take to complete.
You specify the allowed Events in the CONFIG, since each event gets logged to a different file.
This outputs:
date time | eventName : message
Event name and message must be strings. Saveable must be a boolean and indicates if the event should be written to its corresponding log file or nor. Callback is optional.
Returns an object with the current time which serves as benchmark start.
Calculates the elapsed time. If loggable is set to TRUE, saves the result to the benchmark's corresponding log file.
If you want to log events/benchmarks to a file, you need to add each event/benchmark name to the events array. It's located in the EVENTS.js file. The comment in that file has a few examples.
You log an event like that:
http.createServer(function onRequest(req, res) {
Scribo.logEvent('event name', 'message', false);
// Request handling...
Example benchmark:
let dbWrite = Scribo.startBench('DB write');
DataBase.write(data, function onWriteFinish(err, res) {
Scribo.endBench(dbWrite, true, function onBenchEnd(err, res) {
// Handle benchmark ending...
// Other code...