Angela Lin Edison Shi Derek Tsui Genji Noguchi
Our program aims to allow users to create their own Choose Your Own Adventure stories with ease.
Login System
Get acquainted with three.js (for nice visualizations, trees for each storyline split)
Figure out how to store nodes and connecting paths
Framework? (Marionette?-->Persistance!)
Do "public" stories which can be seen by everyone; most popular stories (based on votes) will be displayed on the homepage
Include genre tags (so we can display top stories for each genre, etc.)
Include private stories which can only be viewed and edited by the author user
Use Facebook to Like/Share a story
Use upvoting/downvoting system to rate stories
Use OAuth so people can log in with Facebook, Google, etc.
for genji:
- Organize Marionette "App" object.
- What the heck is el or $el
- Learn to use requirejs with marionette
- Create a basic login system (5/6)
- Create a basic HTML template for our website (5/6)
- Scalable and interactive web design layout (5/11)
- Be able to add and store a basic story (5/13)
- Get basic framework done for back-end development, be able store alternate paths under each node
- Incorporate ability to make words bold or italics...
- Incorporate three.js into our project, make adding splits pretty, interactive, and easy to navigate (5/17?)
- Incorporate feature to link all nodes together to create one whole story that's easy to read? / Make story downloadable/shareable
- Include sound effects and pictures?
- Polish everything, make sure all incorporated features work. (5/27 --> Due date!)