Zoom functionality: Enables pinch-to-zoom interaction on the child widget. Border radius customization: Allows you to specify the border radius for clipping the child widget. Aspect ratio customization: Specifies the aspect ratio of the widget. Min and max scale limits: Sets the minimum and maximum allowed zoom levels for the child widget. Clip behavior: Determines whether clipping behavior should be applied to the child widget. By customizing these properties, you can control the zoom level, aspect ratio, clipping behavior, and scale limits, tailoring the interaction experience to your specific requirements.
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
clipBehavior: false,
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
clipBehavior: true,
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
clipBehavior: false,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0),
use web && windows && mac && linux
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
zoomedScale: 3.0
use web && windows && mac && linux
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
zoomedScale: 3.0
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
zoomedScale: 3.0,
clipBehavior: true,
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
zoomedScale: 3.0,
clipBehavior: false,
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
zoomedScale: 3.0,
clipBehavior: true,
oneTapZoom: true,
doubleTapZoom: false,
zoom_hover_pinch_image: ^1.0.3
import 'package:zoom_hover_pinch_image/zoom_hover_pinch_image.dart';
child: Image.network("https://i.pravatar.cc/300"),
zoomedScale: 3.0,
clipBehavior: true,
oneTapZoom: true,
doubleTapZoom: false,
If you have any issues, questions, or suggestions related to this package, please feel free to contact us at swan.dev1993@gmail.com. We welcome your feedback and will do our best to address any problems or provide assistance. For more information about this package, you can also visit our GitHub repository where you can find additional resources, contribute to the package's development, and file issues or bug reports. We appreciate your contributions and feedback, and we aim to make this package as useful as possible for our users. Thank you for using our package, and we look forward to hearing from you!.