This is a demonstation of how to share an OpenGL context and X11 display that originates in a GLX program (glxgears) with gstreamer for texture sharing.
The key is to use a glfilterapp callback to get the texture and setting the bus up to hand off the display and context when requested for them.
I put my rendering engine in the gstreamer idle loop and let it sync to my refresh rate (60hz), while the gstreamer video rate was less (20hz).
I may clean it up at some point in the future, but given the lack of example code online I figured it was best to share this sooner rather than later.
This was tested on the Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian Stretch Lite with minimal X installed.
Recently updated for Pi4 w/ Raspbian Buster Lite
Minimal X:
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends xserver-xorg
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends xinit
sudo apt install mesa-utils freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libxrender-dev
launch with
sudo xinit /home/pi/gst-context-share-master/
Note: This demo has not been recently upgraded, but you can see how to share a context between gstreamer and egl here