Download files
To get required dependancies go to directory in terminal and type the command
npm install
This will install the required dependancies
You will also want to create an empty data folder in this directory This is where the data will be stored when using your own computer to run this
To begin running database type and enter this into terminal
mongod --dbpath ./data
In another terminal window you will now want to begin running the application, to do this type and enter the command below in this projects directory
If that doesn't work then type and enter
npm run start
nodemon is preferred as it automatically restarts the server upon making any changes to the files
- Follow steps above to set up database on local device
- Go to "localhost:3000/admin"
- Sign up as a user
- Open a new tab in terminal and type "Mongo" to open the mongo shell
- Enter in the shell: db.users.update({'username':'(your username in lowercase'}, {$set: {'admin':true}})
- Refresh the admin page and login if you are not already logged in