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OpenEm Data Network Ingestor

This repository provides an ingestion app and service for dataset transfer and metadata registration in a catalog. It targets Scicat as dataset catalog.

Data can be transferred via Globus or via S3 to a compatible endpoint.

There are two entrypoints, i.e. applications: a desktop app providing a minimal UI and a headless service. Both provide a REST API in order to interact with each. Common functionality is extracted in the core package.


The core package contains shared functionality between the desktop app and the service. It makes use of the scicat-cli tools for interactions with Scicat. Two APIs are provided; a REST API for it interact with it as a service, and a Go API to interact with it within the same application.

Generating the REST API

Based on the OpenApi specs in openapi.yaml, the REST API for the server implementation (Gin can be built:

../Ingestor/internal/webserver> go generate

this will update api.gen.go.

Building the Desktop App

The desktop app is based on which provides bindings between Go and typscript in order to write portable frontends in various web frameworks. Svelte was chosen in this case.

For development wails provides hot reload capabilities:

../Ingestor/desktop-app> wails dev

And a build command to build frontend and backend into a single executable:

../Ingestor/cmd/openem-ingestor-app> wails build

see for details.

Building the Service

../Ingestor/cmd/openem-ingestor-service> go build

Running the container using Docker Compose

The ingestor service can be run in a docker container and be deployed using docker compose.

docker compose up -d

The following environment variables need to be set (e.g. using an .env file):

Variable Description Example Value
NFS_SERVER_ADDRESS Address of NFS fileserver where dataset are stored,
UID User id as which the container runs. This might be relevant to access certain datatasets if run as non-root 1000
GID Group id as which the container runs. This might be relevant to access certain datatasets if run as non-root 1000
HOST_COLLECTION_PATH Path to folder on the host system where dataset are stored. Can also be a mounted folder. /mnt/datasets
KEYCLOAK_URL Url to keycloak instance used with Scicat
SCICAT_FRONTEND_URL Url to Scicat brontend
SCICAT_BACKEND_URL Url to Scicat backend

The ingestor configuration is set directly as a config top-level element in docker-compose.yaml.


Configuration options are described in configs/

Both the desktop app and the service will use a configuration file named openem-ingestor-config.yaml expected to be located next to the executable or in os.UserConfigDir()/openem-ingestor where the first takes precedence. As documented here), the following config locations are considered:

  • Unix: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/openem-ingestor/openem-ingestor-config.yaml if non-empty, else $HOME/.config/openem-ingestor/openem-ingestor-config.yaml
  • MacOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/openem-ingestor/openem-ingestor-config.yaml
  • Windows: %AppData%\openem-ingestor\openem-ingestor-config.yaml

See configs/openem-ingestor-config.yaml for an example configuration.

Authentication and Access Control


The server can be setup with an SSO provider using OAuth2 AuthZ protocol with the OIDC AuthN extension in order to verify the user identity and create a session for them.

Technical details

  • The server uses the provider's token to estabilish its own user session
  • It does not directly accept bearer tokens estabilished by the SSO provider
  • It creates an HttpOnly cookie based user session using the claims provider by the IdP (SSO Provider)
  • This basically means that the server can't function as a "Resource server", you need a specific session with it
  • Currently 3 basic roles exist: Admin, CreateModifyTasks and ViewTasks
  • The roles' names can be defined in the config (eg. to add the facility name in the role name)
  • These roles should be associated with the server's ClientId
  • The roles must be served under the following claim in the access_token: resource_access/[ClientId]/roles, where roles is a list of strings
  • Keycloak serves client-specific roles assigned to the user under the claim mentioned above by default

A typical Keycloak setup for development

  1. Create a keycloak instance (docker is recommended)
  2. Create a new realm (recommended, but you can use the master realm too)
  3. In that realm, create a client:
    • ClientID: ingestor
    • Root URL: http://localhost:8888
    • Home URL: /
    • Valid redirect URIs: *
    • Valid post logout redirect URIs: *
    • Add the following roles:
      • FACILITY-ingestor-read
      • FACILITY-ingestor-write
      • FACILITY-ingestor-admin
  4. In the same realm, create a user:
    • username: test
    • password: test
    • email: test@test.test
    • Role mapping: assign FACILITY-ingestor-read, FACILITY-ingestor-write
  5. Make sure you have the following section in your ingestor config file:
  Disable: false
  SessionDuration: 28800
    ClientID: "ingestor"
    RedirectURL: "http://localhost:8888/callback"
      - email
    IssuerURL: "http://[KEYCLOAK_URL]/realms/facility"
    UseJWKS: true
    JwksURL: "http://[KEYCLOAK_URL]/realms/facility/protocol/openid-connect/certs"
      - RS256
    AdminRole: "FACILITY-ingestor-admin"
    CreateModifyTasksRole: "FACILITY-ingestor-write"
    ViewTasksRole: "FACILITY-ingestor-read"
  1. To test if the auth works, go to http://localhost:8888/login (if you haven't changed the defaults)
  2. Login with the test account from step 4
  3. Go into your browser's debugger and copy the user cookie created by the ingestor service
  4. Use the following curl command: curl --cookie "user=[USER_COOKIE]" -v "localhost:8888/transfer?page=1"
  5. If it is accepted, you have a working login session

Todo: alternate setup with an ingestor frontend

Metadata Extractors

Metadata extractors are invoked as external binaries that need to be installed and available at a configurable location. The extractors can be invoked by a configurable commandline and are expected to produce a metadata as a valid json file. See configs/ for details


launch.json and task.json are provided to define debug targets for VS Code.