This document describes the Dagger language and its compiler and protocol. The use of the protocol illustrated through examples of how derivative contracts can be created.
This protocol centers around a Domain Specific Language (DSL) called Dagger which is used to specify the derivative contracts and has been adapted from the contract language of Bahr et all (2015) and Egelund-Müller et all (2017).
Using a non-Turing complete DSL for this purpose has several advantages. In particular, the language is restricted such that using it to specify unintended behavior is impossible. Further, as the semantics of the language are formally verified, contracts specified in the language is guaranteed to behave as intended and to only have a single interpretation.
To show a possible integration of the language, we provide a graphical frontend for creating, deploying and monitoring future contracts. Behind the scenes, the frontend will generate corresponding Dagger code which is subsequently compiled to EVM and deployed to a local Ethereum testnet. By generating Dagger, we ensure that the static guarantees of the language applies regardless of frontend functionality. Additionally, the frontend makes it possible to view both the generated Dagger code and the compiled EVM code.
The frontend is for demonstration purposes only and relies on being able to act as a signatory on behalf of the accounts representing both parties agreeing to the contract. In an actual deployment of the system, a separate signing step by each individual signatory is required before they can enter into agreement. Further, the demonstration frontend will always create a contractual agreement between two predefined parties. Finally, the demostration implementation of the on-chain contracts will take the amount of tokens held by the contract into escrow. In an actual implementation of the system, an alternative method would be used which avoids large amounts of tokens in this manner.
Before we give the full definition of the langauge, let's go through a few of the functions.
To transfer a unit token from address p1
to address p2
, the transfer(a, p1, p2)
function is used, where a
is the token constract address (e.g. eToroUSD).
Transfering an arbitry token amount can be done by using scale(n, e, c)
, where
is the maximum amount of tokens the contract will lock in escrow, e
is an
expression resolving in the actual amount of tokens to transfer and c
is the
ERC-20 token contract. We need to lock tokens in escrow, since the actual token
amount might be evaluated at runtime. The amount of tokens to transfer can never
exceed the maximum amount.
By combining the transfer function
and the scale function above, we can transfer an arbitrary amount of tokens
using scale(a, e, transfer(a, p1, p2))
If a contract should be excecuted at a specific time in the future,
can be used, where t
is the time offset.
Notice how the contracts can be composed of simpler contracts by the
constructors transfer
, scale
and translate
(and a few more defined below).
Below is the full definition of the language written as a context free grammar definition of the language in which the derivative contracts are written:
c ::= scale(n,e,c1) | zero | both(c1,c2) |
transfer(a, p1, p2) | translate(t,c1) |
if e within t1
then c1 else c2
e ::= b | obs(ot, f, t) | e1 op e2 | uop e1
t ::= now | u(n)
time unit:
u ::= seconds | minutes | hours | days | weeks
op ::= + | - | x | / | = | if | or | and
uop ::= not
operator types:
ot ::= int | bool
- n is a natural number
- p is a party to the contract identified by an Ethereum address
- a is a token contract address
- f is the address of a feed
- b is a whole number
- obs is an observable depending on external information
Addresses are written as 0x[0-9a-f]{40}
The simplest useful example is a binary option. Two parties are involved in the contract, and the contract holds a specific amount of tokens which either of the party will receive in full amount at the maturity of the contract. This contract is equivalent to a simple bet and the outcome will be determined by some kind of event whose result is read from an oracle.
This contract will transfer 100 tokens to A if the oracle/data feed shows the value true at any time within two minutes. If that does not happen, 100 tokens are transferred to B. Both A and B need to put in 100 tokens for the contract to be considered activated.
if obs(bool, addressDataFeedBool, 0) within minutes(2) then
transfer( eToroUSD, B, A)
transfer( eToroUSD, A, B)
The three arguments to transfer
are addresses: the address of the ERC20 smart
contract of the tokens being transferred, the party that makes this payment, and
the last argument is the party to receive this payment.
The amounts are deposited through the function calls approve
on the ERC20, and
on the contract generated by Daggerc
(see section "ABI of the produced
The observable obs
depends on some external information, for example the
outcome of a sports event or something similar.
Scenario: A owns 1 ETH and A would like an insurance of a drop in the ETH price below 100 USD three months from now. So A would like a contract whose value plus the value of an ether is at least 100 USD. This can be achieved by the following contract:
max(0, 100 - obs(int, priceFeed, ETHUSD))
transfer(eToroUSD, B, A )))
If the ETH price at the strike time is 10 USD, then this contract will pay out 90 USD, thus guaranteeing A a value of 100 USD at the maturity of the contract. eToroUSD is the address of an ERC20-complaint token.
Note that the first parameter to the scale function (defining the token amount to lock in escrow) is important when the second parameter (the token amount) can depend on external information. Without the tokens in escrow, we would have no guarantee that the counterparty would have the liquidity needed at excecution time.
The code below describes a future contract, namely a legal agreement to buy or
sell something at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future,
between two parties not knowning each other. The function both<c1,c2>
excecuting both contracts c1
and c2
, in this case transfering the specified
currencies and the specified amount to each of the parties.
<Upper limit>,
<Upper limit>,
<Amount to receive>,
<Currency to receive>,
The Dagger (Dagger) contract compiles into the Ethereum's ABI and has two
methods: activate()
and execute()
collects the margin from the parties' accounts and starts the timer. Will only succeed if the parties have allowed the Dagger contract to withdraw from their balance through the ERC20 contract callapprove
checks whether any subparts of the contracts are ready to be paid out to the parties or any margins can be paid back.
and execute()
may change state.
A working demo can be found at Below is a
screenshot of the frontend
In this example, we will show how two parties not knowning each other can trade a future on the blockchain.
TODO (steps, screenshots, ...)
We now describe how to set up the various components needed to get the demonstration frontend up and running.
At a high level, the system is comprised of three main components:
- Frontend implements the web interface which is used for visualizing and
manipulating the contracts.
- Backend server provides the data storage and compilation services for the
- Compiler compiles the Dagger source code to EVM binary code providing the contract features described above.
Before proceeding, make sure that you have the following installed
version 10.xx (12.x is not supported)- A browser with the Metamask extension installed
In order to compile and run the demo client you need to go through the following steps.
- Clone the etorolang-demo-server repository:
git clone
- Change diretory:
cd etorolang-demo-server
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Start the server
yarn start
In a separate terminal window do:
- Clone the etorolang-demo-server repository:
git clone
- Change diretory:
cd etorolang-demo-client
- Install dependencies:
yarn install
- Start the client (will launch a browser)
yarn start
Metamask is a convenient way to handle and create wallets and managing your private keys. Change the endpoint address private keys as follows:
- Connect to a custom RPC endpoint with the address (Networks -> Custom
- Import the accounts with the private keys below into Metamask (Accounts ->
Import Account):
You are now able to create contracts using the interface.
(TODO: ethereum.enable() needs to be called manually, but should be implemented on the frontend)
- Since this is a demo only, all contracts are entered between the two parties represented by the accounts belonging to the private keys, as the server manages the keys for easy experience (for a more realistic demo, use the online sandbox demo).
- After a contract has expired, you will be able to see the change of the balances of the two accounts according to the outcome of the contract.