This rails plugin allows file uploads directly to Amazon S3 (rather than going through your rails app). Useful for large file uploads/video etc. Especially useful if you use Heroku as your deployment platform.
This plugin uses the excellent JQuery based uploadify file uploader. More info at
Rails Installation (see for rails example code)¶ ↑
Install the plugin
<pre>script/plugin install</pre>
Set your Amazon S3 configuration in ‘config/amazon_s3.xml`
Ensure a crossdomain.xml file is configured in your Amazon S3 bucket
Use the uploadify_s3 helper method in your view
e.g <div id=“VideoGallery” style=“display; none;”></div> <%= uploadify_s3({ :file_input_selector => ‘#file_uploader’, :button_text => ‘Add Video’, :file_ext => ‘*.mov’, :on_success => “ function(f) {
<input type=“file” name=“uploadify” id=“file_uploader” />
** This simple example will work in safari (i.e .mov files can be displayed directly in safari). This is not a recommended approach for handling cross browser supported video online.
file_input_selector - The id of the file input
button_text - The text for the uploadify button
file_ext - The allowed file extensions
on_success - A Javascrip callback function on upload complete. A hash of name, size, type and url are passed
on_failure - A javascript callback function on upload failure. Error type and text are passed as parameters.
Any comments/patches contributions please contact