1.7.5 - 17.4.2023
Curves object is now supported
Geometry Nodes: Move to Nodes operator is now supported (disabled in the popup and sidebar when an object is pinned. It doesn't work in that case.)
Geometry Nodes: Hide in Modifier toggle is now supported
Geometry Nodes: fixed string properties not working
Geometry Nodes: now uses the dedicated icon
Geometry Nodes: attributes starting with a dot are now filtered out
Geometry Nodes: moved field toggles to the right
Geometry Nodes: fixed an error in the console when the modifier has no node group
Fixed point cloud missing the modifier menu
Fixed modifier stack staying visible after switching to the list
Fixed modifier settings being disabled for objects with a library override
Fixed the modifier stack displaying an extra icon for each modifier
Error raising when adding modifier to non-editable override object is now handled
Disabled the Copy to Selected operator in the popup and sidebar when an object is pinned. It doesn't work in that case.
Fixed (presumably) a minor error arising when there is no objects in the scene at all, and when the cursor is placed in the Outliner context
Fixed an error with lattice edit mode toggling when there is a pinned object
Fixed modifier default selector showing some unsuitable settings (enums) for Data Transfer. Those have options that could lead to errors.
Shift + A now opens the modifier menu in the Property Editor (add manually to other editors)
Shift + Ctrl + A now opens the modifier search in the Property Editor (add manually to other editors)
Assigning a hotkey for the Copy Modifier and Modifier Move Up/Down operators is now possible
Modifier search now supports adding a gizmo object
You can’t perform that action at this time.