CommandLine Tetris is a console-based version of the classic Tetris game. This implementation includes various features such as different game speeds, high score tracking, and customizable game options.
- Play the classic Tetris game in your command line.
- Track high scores and save them to a file.
- Customize game speed and other options.
- Enjoy retro console graphics and sounds.
Currently, this code requires Windows (calls windows.h
To compile and run CommandLine Tetris, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd CommandLine_Tetris
Ensure you have a C++ compiler installed (such as g++ or clang).
Compile the project:
g++ -o tetris main.cpp Tetris.cpp Manager.cpp hiscorestuff.cpp SpeedSettings.cpp Plotter.cpp
Run the game:
After running the game, you will be presented with a welcome screen. Use the following controls to play the game:
- Arrow Keys: Move the pieces left, right, or down.
- Up Arrow: Rotate the pieces.
- Spacebar: Instantly drop the piece.
- Menu Options:
- 1: Play Game
- 2: Options
- 3: Instructions
- 4: High Scores
- 5: About
- 6: Exit
- main.cpp: Entry point of the application.
- Tetris.h / Tetris.cpp: Main game logic and user interface management.
- Manager.h / Manager.cpp: Manages the game state and gameplay mechanics.
- hiscorestuff.h / hiscorestuff.cpp: Handles high score checking and file operations.
- Plotter.h / Plotter.cpp: Manages the console graphics and rendering.
- PiecesContainer.h / Pieces.h / Pieces.cpp: Manages the Tetris pieces and their behaviors.
- SpeedSettings.h / SpeedSettings.cpp: Manages game speed settings and adjustments.
- HeaderStuff.h: Contains various constants and struct definitions used throughout the game.
graph TD
A[Player Starts Game] --> B[Game Initialization]
B --> C[Display Game Board]
C --> D[Player Input]
D --> E[Update Game State]
E --> F{Check for Completed Lines}
F -- Yes --> G[Clear Completed Lines]
F -- No --> H[Check for Game Over]
H -- No --> D
H -- Yes --> I[End Game]
G --> D
I --> J[Display High Scores]
J --> A
class Tetris {
-Manager manager_
+void startTetris()
+void playGame(int& score, int& speed)
+char welcomeScreen()
+void instructionScreen()
+void aboutScreen()
+void OptionScreen(int& speed)
+void OptionsGameSpeed(int& speed)
+void checkForHiScores(int score)
+void sortScores(HiScore array[], int size)
+void newHighScoreFile()
+void highScoreScreen()
class Manager {
-PlotterTetris plotHUD_
-Plotter plotPlayField_
-Plotter plotNext_
-Matrix playField_
-Matrix nextPiece_
-PiecesContainer container_
-Piece* pInAction_
-Piece* pNextAction_
-bool pieceHitRockBottom_
-GameStat statistic_
-Options options_
+bool step()
+void draw()
+bool move(int keyLogged)
+void setSpeed(const int& amount)
+GameStat& returnGameStat()
+void setUpScreen()
+void readySetGo()
+void justWait(double seconds)
+void drawOutline(int xStart, int xEnd, int yStart, int yEnd)
+void gameOver()
+void updatePlayField(PiecesContainer* container)
+void fillFieldWithEmpty()
+void checkThatFieldEmpty()
+void displayDeletionUpdatePlayField(PiecesContainer* container)
+void destroyRowCompletions()
+void movePiecesDown(PiecesContainer& container, const int rowToDelete)
+void updateScore(int rowsDeletedAtOnce)
+void drawNextPiece(Piece* next)
+void colorChangeAllBlocks(int amount)
+void wait(double seconds)
+void checkKeyLog(int& keyLogged)
+bool moveDown()
+void flip()
+void moveRight()
+void moveLeft()
+bool gravity()
+bool isAPartOfActive(int row, int col)
+bool moveActiveToPlayField(Piece& p)
class PlotterTetris {
-COORD coordScreen
-HANDLE hConsoleOutput
-SMALL_RECT* lpConsoleWindow
-COORD* lpNewScreenBufferDimensions
-CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO* lpConsoleCursorInfo
-ink color
+void clear()
+void setColor(ink i)
+void move(int x, int y)
+void plot(char c)
+void playMusic(string s)
class Plotter {
-COORD coordScreen
-HANDLE hConsoleOutput
-char dummy
-int startX
-int startY
+Plotter(int x = 0, int y = 0)
+void clear()
+void setStartPoint(int x, int y)
+void draw(const Matrix& n)
class PiecesContainer {
-Piece** container_
-int capacity_
-int numPieces_
+int getNumPieces()
+void deleteContainer()
+bool addPiece(Piece* p)
+Piece& operator[](int num)
+void setPointerAt(int num, Piece* p)
class Piece {
-Bit bits_[4]
-Bit direction_
-char type_
-int color_
+Piece(Bit direction, Bit startLocation)
+Piece(const Piece& p)
+Bit& operator[](int n)
+Piece& operator=(const Piece& p)
+char getType()
+int getColor() const
+void changeColor(const int amount)
+bool deleteBit(int n = 0)
+virtual void pieceBuilder(Bit direction, Bit startLocation)
Tetris --> Manager
Manager --> PlotterTetris
Manager --> Plotter
Manager --> PiecesContainer
PiecesContainer --> Piece
PlotterTetris <|-- Plotter
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue. Feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch:
git checkout -b feature-branch
- Make your changes.
- Commit your changes:
git commit -m 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin feature-branch
- Open a pull request.