This article explains how to restrict the system font size changes effects to SfAutoComplete control in Xamarin.Forms Android platform Refer KB for more as per in below code snippet
Let’s have an SfAutoComplete control with FontSize of 20.
<StackLayout Margin="0,50,10,10">
<autocomplete:SfAutoComplete HeightRequest="60" Text="Font-20" TextSize="20"/>
In the Xamarin.Forms Android MainActivity.cs, override the Resources and set the configuration to default to restrict the font size effect on application. Resources.UpdateConfiguration() has been deprecated in API 25. So CreateConfigurationContext is used for APl level greater than 25.
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
public override Resources Resources
Resources resource = base.Resources;
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= Build.VERSION_CODES.NMr1)
return CreateConfigurationContext(configuration).Resources;
resource.UpdateConfiguration(configuration, resource.DisplayMetrics);
return resource;
Before applying the changes
SfAutoComplete with font size of 20
Change the system font size
Entry looks with huge font size
After applying the changes, it keeps in same