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Radarr Sonarr Lidarr Jackett

bakerboy448 edited this page Dec 13, 2024 · 31 revisions

Introduction for Radarr/Sonarr/Lidarr/Jackett

The newer .NET packages provide many benefits, but unfortunately not all architectures are supported. Please follow the following instructions to find the latest working version for your package/NAS combination. If you are unsure what architecture your NAS is running, you can look it up here:

Unable to Update Radarr

It's a known issue when running multiple *arr applications. Stopping Sonarr then updating Radarr resolves the issue.

Issues: #4679, #4621, discord

rtd1296 (armv8) devices and Mono

Sonarr v4/Radarr/Lidarr/Jackett .NET core versions should work correctly.

Sonarr v3 is end of life and not supported by the Sonarr Team

Radarr on DS715 (alpine) Killed/terminated with status 1

This CPU architecture is not supported at the moment. See #4546 and #4793

Downgrade mono without uninstalling (Advanced)

Instead of uninstalling the (higher) version, you can fake a lower version number by modification of the INFO file of the installed package.

  1. ssh into the diskstation
  2. sudo vi /var/packages/mono/INFO
  3. Modify version from "" to "" and save the file
  4. Then it will display as in DSM package center and you can manually downgrade to mono.v11.f15047[rtd1296-armada37xx-aarch64].spk.

aarch64 Docker alternative

Warning - Experimental: If you don't know what you are doing this may cause data loss or damage your device:

Other Options

The Servarr Team also creates and maintains Synology Packages:

If your NAS supports docker you can use the docker images instead, but note that it can be more complicated to setup: Guide on how to run *arr using docker & TRaSH Guide for Synology

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