Goal is to implement a pure java dynamic content image creation kit, with graphical editor, custom layouter and image generation with awt. Dynamic content means the support for different text lengths and ellipsis.
- Java
- Vaadin
- Spring Boot
I should be enough to build the root pom.xml with maven. Then run class SlideEditorApplication. Open browser with localhost:8080
- Fix vaadin windows in chrome. page is scrolled down. Maybe update vaadin version?
- Boxes could be able to pop in and out of container boxes by keyboard shortcuts
- Write/edit text directly in editor? Anyway the content textfield needs to be a textarea.
- autorender each X seconds
- lines
- different fonts
- show box-tree as this will be important for rendering
- OR maybe make sure that for rendering boxes are sorted by y ascending?
- background image
- insert image
- import LayoutableBox into UI
- streamline all configuration parameters
- textfields must support placeholders/properties and will be filled by a bean or a value map
- multiple render outputs with large and tiny texts, set of example data should be part of the slide
- background color
- padding and margin
- borders