sysshell is a generic shell for wayland written in gtkmm 4
This program serves as a launcher for my other sys* programs and doesn't offer any additional features (yet)
Modular status bar for wayland written in gtkmm4
Simple virtual keyboard for wayland
Simple system status indicator written in gtkmm 4
Simple screen locker for wayland written in gtkmm 4
Simple and efficient application launcher written in gtkmm4
Simple power menu/shutdown screen written in gtkmm 4
Primarily because i wanted to have some fun writing a shell, But also because other solutions don't quite do a good enough job for me
The sysshell launcher exists as a way to preserve memory instead of launching every sys* program independently.
This is one of my most ambitious projects yet and i'm unsure if i'm capable of finishing everything i've started,
Contribution is most certianly welcome!
Create a screenshot overlay
Create a polkit/keyring overlay
Optimize existing stuff as much as possible, At the moment the focus is on features
Either rewrite major sections of code with more up to date C++ practices/stuff or rewrite in pure C
Split/Handle shared code via a common library to reduce duplicate code