This is an unofficial implementation of paper Joint Bilateral Learning for Real-time Universal Photorealistic Style Transfer .
The bilateral grid upsampling part is borrowed from this repo:
You can train the model by downloading a pretrained vgg model (I download it from torchvision official repo) and change the dataset location in There maybe some minor problems, but I think debugging them will not cost mush time.
I tried to train this project with my implementation, but failed to get results close to the paper shows.
Here are some problems I came across or I cannot make clear by reading the paper:
How to use the AdaIN? As far as I know, there are two kinds of AdaIN, one is Huang Xun's origianl implementation, another is used in FUNIT/StyleGAN that learns a code containing mean std and assin them to network layers. In this paper, It seems to be the first kind, so I just use it in this repo.
Which layers are used to calculate the content loss and style loss? I didn't find detail description in the paper, so I simply use the conv1_1, conv2_1, conv3_1, conv4_1 that the author used to extract features.
The description of the regularizer term is unclear, in which dimention did the author define the neighbors?
I cannot solve these problems, and the author didn't respond to my email, so I publish this code and hope there are someone interested in this work can discuss with me.