Copyright © 2019-2025 Texas A&M University Libraries under the MIT license.
Start mod-workflow and mod-camunda.
cd mod-workflow
mvn clean install
cd service
mvn clean spring-boot:run
cd mod-camunda
mvn clean spring-boot:run
- Be sure to check and update the tenant header in all the curl requests documented below.
The Workflow JSON files are templates that are pre-processed by fw-cli using the Handlebars template engine. The Handlebars template engine follows the Mustache Syntax. Some properties are also processed using the Free Marker Template Utilities by the Workflow engine called Camunda. Camunda may then perform its own pre-processing of the templates while using the BPMN based on the JUEL Syntax. See also the JUEL Project Page.
These variables might be used to hold credentials/secrets in the fw-cli configurations within the home directory of the user using the fw-cli script.
- Build time arguments are processed and substituted during the use of
fw build
from the fw-cli project. - The fw-cli build-time arguments use the two braces
or three braces{{{}}}
and follows the Mustache Syntax. - The two braces
will result in HTML encoding of the substituted values. - The three braces
will result in raw values being substituted. - Run time arguments use the dollar and one brace syntax
from the Workflow) engine. - The JUEL Syntax uses minus signs for mathematical interpretation of variables and therefore minus signs
and plus signs+
should be avoided (avoid using kabab-case variable names). - Workflow) engines other than Camunda may or may not follow the JUEL Syntax.
DivIT patron workflow. (Scheduled)
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
divit-password | string | DivIt login password. |
divit-url | URL | DivIt URL. |
divit-user | string | DivIt login username. |
overridePatronEmail | string or null | Forcibly replace all e-mails with this (for testing and debugging only). |
fw config set divit-url ***
fw config set divit-user ***
fw config set divit-password ***
fw config set overridePatronEmail ***
fw build patron
fw activate patron
Extract for ORCID workflow.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
divit-password | string | DivIt login password. |
divit-url | URL | DivIt URL. |
divit-user | string | DivIt login username. |
orcid-mail-from | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
orcid-mail-to | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
fw config set divit-url ***
fw config set divit-user ***
fw config set divit-password ***
fw config set orcid-mail-from ***
fw config set orcid-mail-to ***
fw build orcid
fw activate orcid
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/orcid/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--data-raw '{"emailTo": ""}'
ISBN report to GOBI workflow. (Scheduled)
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
gobi-mail-from | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
gobi-mail-to | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw config set gobi-mail-from ***
fw config set gobi-mail-to ***
fw build gobi
fw activate gobi
E-resource Workflow.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
divit-password | string | DivIt login password. |
divit-url | URL | DivIt URL. |
divit-user | string | DivIt login username. |
resource-view | string | The name of the resource view. |
fw config set e-resource-view LIBRARY_ERESOURCES
fw config set divit-url ***
fw config set divit-user ***
fw config set divit-password ***
fw build e-resource
fw activate e-resource
fw run e-resource
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/e-resource/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--data-raw '{}'
Purchase Orders Workflow.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
callNumberTypeId | string | A call number type ID to use. |
eHoldingsType | string | An e-holdings type to use. |
emailFrom | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
emailTo | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
eMaterialType | string | An e-material type to use. |
file | file name | The file path within the specified directory path representing the MARC file to process. |
fiscalYearCode | string | A fiscal year code to use. |
holdingsType | string | A holdings type to use. |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
materialType | string | A material type to use. |
noteType | string | A Note type. |
okapiUrl | URL | The (public or external) Okapi URL. |
okapi-internal | URL | The (internal) Okapi URL. |
password | string | Okapi login password. |
path | directory path | The directory on the system where the MARC file is stored. |
permELocation | string | A permanent e-location to use. |
permLoanType | string | A permanent Loan type to use. |
permLocation | string | A permanent location to use. |
statisticalCode | string | A statistical code to use. |
tempLoanType | string | A temporary Loan type to use. |
tempLocation | string | A temporary location to use. |
username | string | Okapi login username. |
fw config set okapi-internal ***
fw build purchase-orders
fw activate purchase-orders
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/purchase-orders/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--form 'callNumberTypeId="95467209-6d7b-468b-94df-0f5d7ad2747d"' \
--form 'eHoldingsType="Unknown"' \
--form 'emailFrom=""' \
--form 'emailTo=""' \
--form 'eMaterialType="computer -- online resource"' \
--form 'file=@"/example.mrc"' \
--form 'fiscalYearCode="FY2021"' \
--form 'holdingsType="Monograph"' \
--form 'logLevel="INFO"' \
--form 'materialType="unmediated -- volume"' \
--form 'noteType="General note"' \
--form 'okapiUrl="https://okapi"' \
--form 'password="***"' \
--form 'path="/mnt/po"' \
--form 'permELocation="www_evans"' \
--form 'permLoanType="normal"' \
--form 'permLocation="Evans stk"' \
--form 'statisticalCode="ybppapp"' \
--form 'tempLoanType="newbook"' \
--form 'tempLocation="Evans nbs"' \
--form 'username="***"'
Circulation Fees/Fines Daily Report. (Scheduled)
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
medsci-gps-zone-from | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
medsci-gps-zone-to | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw config set circ-fines-mail-from ***
fw config set circ-fines-mail-to ***
fw build circ-fines
fw activate circ-fines
Rapid ILS Print Serials Monthly Report. (Scheduled)
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw build rapid-print-serials
fw activate rapid-print-serials
Rapid ILS Print Monos Monthly Report. (Scheduled)
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw build rapid-print-monos
fw activate rapid-print-monos
Rapid ILS Electronic Serials Monthly Report. (Scheduled)
fw build rapid-electronic-serials
fw activate rapid-electronic-serials
Extract Coral Data and Import it into Folio (Scheduled).
This utilizes LDP, which must have tables mis.coral_extract
and mis.coral_instances
manually created.
Each execution of this workflow clears the LDP table mis.coral_extract
near the start of the process.
CREATE TABLE mis.coral_extract (
coralid int2 NOT NULL,
contributor varchar(256) NULL,
title varchar(256) NULL,
publisher varchar(256) NULL,
summary varchar(4000) NULL,
natureofcontentterm varchar(200) NULL,
electronicaccess varchar(2000) NULL,
status varchar(8) NULL,
CONSTRAINT coral_extract_pkey PRIMARY KEY (coralid)
CREATE TABLE mis.coral_instances (
coralid int2 NOT NULL,
instanceid varchar(36) NULL,
CONSTRAINT coral_instances_pkey PRIMARY KEY (coralid)
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
coral-url | URL | Coral server URL. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
fw config set coral-url ***
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw build coral-extract
fw activate coral-extract
fw run coral-extract
or wait for the cron job to be auto-triggered.
MedSci GPS Zone
For the medsci-gps-zone-file
setting, the file name (without the path part) should likely be grad_access.txt
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
divit-password | string | DivIt login password. |
divit-url | URL | DivIt URL. |
divit-user | string | DivIt login username. |
medsci-gps-zone-from | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
medsci-gps-zone-to | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
fw config set divit-url ***
fw config set divit-user ***
fw config set divit-password ***
fw config set medsci-gps-zone-from ***
fw config set medsci-gps-zone-to ***
fw build medsci-gps-zone
fw activate medsci-gps-zone
fw run medsci-gps-zone
HathiTrust Export
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw build hathitrust
fw activate hathitrust
fw run hathitrust
Create Tags Workflow.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
file | file name | The file path within the specified directory path representing the CSV file to process (do not prefix with a starting slash). |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
mis-catalog-reports-url | URL | Catalog Reports URL (must not include a trailing slash). |
password | string | Okapi login password. |
path | directory path | The system directory where the CSV file is stored on the server that also contains the tenantPath (include trailing slash after the directory). |
username | string | Okapi login username. |
fw build create-tags
fw activate create-tags
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/create-tags/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--form 'logLevel="INFO"' \
--form 'file=@"FOLIOTags.csv"' \
--form 'path="/mnt/workflows/diku/create-tags"' \
--form 'username="***"' \
--form 'password="***"'
Shelflist (holdings level) Report Workflow.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
batchId | UUID | A batch ID. |
createdDateEnd | string | A created end date. |
createdDateStart | string | A created start date. |
emailFrom | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
emailTo | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
format | string | A JSON Array of formats. |
issuance | string | An issuance name. |
language | string | A JSON Array of languages. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
libraryName | string | A JSON Array of library names. |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
locationDiscoveryDisplayName | string | A JSON Array of location names. |
locationName | string | A JSON Array of location names. |
mis-catalog-reports-url | URL | Catalog Reports URL (must not include a trailing slash). |
resourceType | string | A JSON Array of resource types. |
suppressHoldings | boolean | Designate whether or not Holdings should be suppressed. |
suppressInstance | boolean | Designate whether or not Instances should be suppressed. |
updatedDateEnd | string | An updated end date. |
updatedDateStart | string | An updated start date. |
fw config set mis-catalog-reports-url https://localhost/catalog_reports/site
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw build shelflist-holdings
fw activate shelflist-holdings
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/shelflist-holdings/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--data-raw '{ "logLevel": "INFO", "emailFrom": "", "emailTo": "", "libraryName": "[\"Example Library\"]", "locationDiscoveryDisplayName": "[]", "locationName": "[]", "language": "[]", "resourceType": "[]", "format": "[]", "batchId": "", "issuance": "", "suppressInstance": false, "suppressHoldings": false, "createdDateStart": "", "createdDateEnd": "", "updatedDateStart": "", "updatedDateEnd": "" }'
Shelflist (items level) Report Workflow.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
batchId | UUID | A batch ID. |
createdDateEnd | string | A created end date. |
createdDateStart | string | A created start date. |
emailFrom | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
emailTo | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
itemStatus | string | A JSON Array of Item statuses. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
libraryName | string | A JSON Array of library names. |
loanType | string | A JSON Array of loan types. |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
locationDiscoveryDisplayName | string | A JSON Array of location names. |
locationName | string | A JSON Array of location names. |
materialType | string | A JSON Array of material types. |
mis-catalog-reports-url | URL | Catalog Reports URL (must not include a trailing slash). |
updatedDateEnd | string | An updated end date. |
updatedDateStart | string | An updated start date. |
fw config set mis-catalog-reports-url https://localhost/catalog_reports/site
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw build shelflist-items
fw activate shelflist-items
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/shelflist-items/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--data-raw '{ "logLevel": "INFO", "emailFrom": "", "emailTo": "", "libraryName": "[\"Example Library\"]", "locationDiscoveryDisplayName": "[]", "locationName": "[]", "loanType": "[]", "materialType": "[]", "itemStatus": "[]", "createdDateStart": "", "createdDateEnd": "", "updatedDateStart": "", "updatedDateEnd": "" }'
Item History Update Workflow.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw build item-history-update
fw activate item-history-update
fw run item-history-update
This workflows adds a special check-in note for New Bookshelf Items for a specific temporary location UUID. If the check-in note already exists, then the new note is not added.
This utilizes LDP in order to fine-tune the query in ways not normally allowed via the FOLIO REST end points. These fetched Items are then used to fetch an up to date version using the appropriate FOLIO REST end point and updates the Items as appropriate using the appropriate FOLIO REST end point.
The scheduled event is for 12:00pm UTC, which is 7:00am in CDT.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
okapi-internal | URL | The (internal) Okapi URL. |
password | string | Okapi login password. |
username | string | Okapi login username. |
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw config set okapi-internal ***
fw config set username ***
fw config set password ***
To build and activate:
fw build nbs-items-note
fw activate nbs-items-note
Either wait for scheduled event to occur or manually execute via:
fw run nbs-items-note
This workflow adds a given note, specified by the Note Type UUID, with the given Note Text message and the given Staff Only setting. If a given Note already exists on an Item then that Note is not added multiple times to the Item.
This utilizes LDP in order to fine-tune the query in ways not normally allowed via the FOLIO REST end points. These fetched Items are then used to fetch an up to date version using the appropriate FOLIO REST end point and updates the Items as appropriate using the appropriate FOLIO REST end point.
At the end of this process, an e-mail is set to the given destination address.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
emailFrom | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
emailTo | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
file | file name | The file path within the specified directory path representing the CSV file to process (do not prefix with a starting slash). |
itemNoteTypeId | UUID | The Item Note Type UUID to be used for the Note. |
noteText | string | A message used as the Note. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
okapi-internal | URL | The (internal) Okapi URL. |
password | string | Okapi login password. |
path | directory path | The system directory where the CSV file is stored on the server that also contains the tenantPath (include trailing slash after the directory). |
staffOnly | boolean | Designate whether or not this is a Staff Only note. |
username | string | Okapi login username. |
fw config set okapi-internal ***
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
To build and activate:
fw build create-notes
fw activate create-notes
Trigger the workflow using an HTTP request such as with Curl:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/create-notes/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--form 'logLevel="INFO"' \
--form 'emailFrom=""' \
--form 'emailTo=""' \
--form 'file=@"itemBarcodes.csv"' \
--form 'path="/mnt/workflows/diku/create-notes/"' \
--form 'itemNoteTypeId="d5684236-e4ab-4a64-97b3-2aa7a595cfc4"' \
--form 'noteText="This is a note text message."' \
--form 'staffOnly=false' \
--form 'username="***"' \
--form 'password="***"'
For the uploaded CSV of call numbers, remove items that have been on the new bookshelf location for more than 30 days.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
nbs-mail-from | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
emailTo | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
file | file name | The file path within the specified directory path representing the CSV file to process (do not prefix with a starting slash). |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
password | string | Okapi login password. |
path | directory path | The system directory where the CSV file is stored on the server that also contains the tenantPath (include trailing slash after the directory). |
username | string | Okapi login username. |
fw config set okapi-internal ***
fw config set nbs-mail-from ***
To build and activate:
fw build remove-books-from-nbs
fw activate remove-books-from-nbs
Trigger the workflow using an HTTP request such as with Curl:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/remove-books-from-nbs/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--form 'logLevel="INFO"' \
--form 'emailTo=""' \
--form 'file=@"itemBarcodes.csv"' \
--form 'path="/mnt/workflows/diku/remove-books-from-nbs/"' \
--form 'username="***"' \
--form 'password="***"'
This workflow queries checked-out books within a specific call number range, generates a list, and emails this list to the specified recipient.
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
bcnMailFrom | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
bcnMailTo | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
endRange | string | End range of call number. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
locationName | string | A JSON Array of location names from the reporting table item_ext . |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
mis-catalog-reports-url | URL | Catalog Reports URL (must not include a trailing slash). |
password | string | Okapi login password. |
path | directory path | The directory on the system where the files, like the CSV file, are stored within on the server and contain the tenantPath (include trailing slash after the directory). |
startRange | string | Start Range of call number. |
username | string | Okapi login username. |
This utilizes LDP to get the query result which gets written to: /mnt/workflows/tamu/books-call-number path.
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw config set bcnMailFrom ***
fw config set mis-catalog-reports-url https://localhost/catalog_reports/site
To build and activate:
fw build books-call-number
fw activate books-call-number
The user initiates the form submission using the Catalog Reports Book-Call-Number Report.
Trigger the workflow using an HTTP request such as with Curl:
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:9001/mod-workflow/events/workflow/books-call-number/start' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Okapi-Tenant: diku' \
--data-raw '{"bcnMailTo": "", "endRange":"b9", "locationName": "[]", "logLevel": "INFO", "password":"*", "path": "/mnt/workflows/diku/bcn", "startRange": "a0", "username":"*" }'
This workflow sends a monthly email containing a list of all items with 'temporary location' set to "Eva Pres Repr" to a specifically configured email address evansPresReprFrom
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
evansPresReprFrom | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the sender. |
evansPresReprTo | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the recipient. |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
logLevel | string | Designate the desired logging, such as "INFO", "WARN", or "DEBUG". |
This utilizes LDP to get the query result which gets written to: /mnt/workflows/tamu/evans-pres-repr path.
The scheduled event is for 8:00AM UTC on the first day of every month.
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw config set evansPresReprFrom ***
fw config set evansPresReprTo ***
To build and activate:
fw build evans-pres-repr
fw activate evans-pres-repr
Either wait for scheduled event to occur or manually execute via:
fw run evans-pres-repr
This workflow emails a CSV report for Call Number, ISBN, LCCN, ISSN, and OCLC matches as well as a full instance duplication CSV report compressed with ZIP format.
The full instance duplication CSV has the following columns. The title and author columns are wrapped in double quotes.
Requires following path /mnt/workflows/${tenantId}/duplicate-instance-report
These variables are required when building and running the workflow:
Variable Name | Allowed Values | Brief Description |
ldp-url | URL | LDP URL. |
ldp-user | string | LDP login username. |
ldp-password | string | LDP login password. |
duplicate-instance-report-from | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the report sender. |
duplicate-instance-report-to | e-mail address | The e-mail address of the report recipient. |
The scheduled event is for 12:00 AM UTC, on the first of the month, only in January, April, July, and October.
fw config set ldp-url ***
fw config set ldp-user ***
fw config set ldp-password ***
fw config set duplicate-instance-report-from ***
fw config set duplicate-instance-report-to ***
To build and activate:
fw build duplicate-instance-report
fw activate duplicate-instance-report
Either wait for scheduled event to occur or manually execute via:
fw run duplicate-instance-report