This component includes a textbox with a button next to it. When you click the button it copies the contents of the textbox to the clipboard. The current value of the text in the textbox is available as a component output property. This allows the value in the textbox to be used directly from the Power App.
Watch a deep dive video about the component here.
This component uses the following library.
Download the Solution file and import it into your Power Apps environment's Solution Gallery. Then, you can add the component to your Power Apps.
To install it, follow steps 24-26 below and watch the video to learn more.
Download this Power App and import it into your Power Apps environment. This is the same Power App I use to demonstrate the component in the video.
Install Power Apps CLI
Open a PowerShell prompt.
Update CLI tools
pac install latest
Create directory for new component
md CopyTextComponent
Change to new directory
cd CopyTextComponent
Create the component project
Use this format:
pac pcf init --namespace <specify your namespace here> --name <put component name here> --template <component type>
pac pcf init --namespace CanvizLLCPCF --name PCFCopyTextComponent --template field
Install NPM packages
npm install
npm run build
Start component test environment in web browser and verify it works.
npm start
Stop debugging
Install copy to clipboard package
npm i --save copy-to-clipboard
Import the package
Modify index.ts
import * as copy from 'copy-to-clipboard';
Use the copy function to copy to the clipboard. Typically, this is done in an event handler for a button click.
Modify index.ts
Save all files.
npm run build
Start component test environment in web browser and verify it works.
npm start
Stop debugging
Create directory for new Solution
md CopyTextSolution
Change to directory
cd CopyTextSolution
Create a Solution to deploy the component
pac solution init --publisher-name ToddBaginski --publisher-prefix TBag
Add the new component to the Solution
pac solution add-reference --path D:\pcf\samples\CopyTextComponent
Note: The file path should point to the location where package.json file for your component is located.
Restore the Nuget packages
msbuild /t:restore
Compile, bundle, and use the Solution Packager to create the solution (.zip) file.
Add the component to a Power App
Follow the steps below to upgrade the PCF component.
- Keep the old version in the Power App and in your environment and close the Power Apps designer.
- Increase the version numbers in both the ControlManifest.Input.xml and Solution.xml files.
- Package the new version then import it to your environment and overwrite the previous version.
- Re-open the Power App in the designer, and click the Update button in the Update code components dialog.
If the upgrade doesn't go smoothly or you never see the Update code components dialog you will not see the changes you made in your upgraded component appear. If this happens, consider the following workaround to force the Power App to pick up a new version of the component.
- Remove all component references from the Power App.
- Go to your solution and remove the component from your environment manually if that was deployed by an unmanaged solution.
- Uninstall the solution from your environment.
- Export the Power App and re-import it to overwrite the current version.
- Re-open the Power App, then save and publish it.
- Change the namespace and constructor in the file ControlManifest.Input.xml to a different one. This will cause the Power App to locate the new resources in a different path and load them.
- Increase the version numbers in both the ControlManifest.Input.xml and Solution.xml files.
- Package and import the component again.
- Add the component to your Power App.
Notice: We recommend to finalize the component info (name, namespace, constructor), and solution type (unmanaged, managed) before adding the PCF component to your Power Apps environment for the first time, otherwise, it might cause issues and risks to future upgrades.
- Todd Baginski @TBag
- Alex Chen @alexchx
- Cathy Cheng @cathyclx