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Countdown (Drupal Module)

This project implements a Drupal module providing countdown timers. A countdown timer is a widget that displays the remaining amount of time until a particular date and time.


To install this module, require it using composer in your Drupal site project:

composer require tccl-drupal/countdown

Now you can enable the module using Drush (drush en countdown) or via the Modules interface in your Drupal site.


The module requires no additional configuration. You can begin to use the module immediately after installation.


The countdown module provides countdown timers utilizing the following mechanisms:

  • Token Replacement
  • Field Type
  • Render Element (low-level, programmatic)

Token Replacement

You can render a countdown timer in any text field that is set up to filter tokens. The module provides a special token type that can be used for rendering countdown timers.

General token format:

  • The date must be given in the format above:
    • YYYY: the year
    • MM: the month of the year
    • DD: the day of the month
    • HH: the hour (in 24-hour format) of the day
    • mm: the minute after the hour
    • ss: the second after the minute
  • The FORMAT is one of the formats described below
  • INCLUDE_SECONDS is a boolean defaulting to true; you can use values such as on, off, true, false, yes and no

Example: countdown until Christmas 2023 using the clock format type:

[countdown:timer:2023-12-25 00:00:00:clock]


Format Specifier Description Example
clock Renders the countdown timer using a clock format. 12:45:30
words Renders the countdown timer in words 21 days, 8 hours, 0 minutes, 45 seconds
widget Renders the countdown timer using the countdown-widget theme template. (This is the same mechanism that renders the countdown field default formatter.) --

Field Type

The module provides a field type that you can use to add new fields to a custom content type. The field is found under the TCCL Custom category and is called Countdown.

Render Element

This low-level interface can be used by other modules to render countdown timers using the countdown and countdown_inline render elements.