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feat(datepicker): add cancel-range-select-limit API
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uyarn committed Dec 13, 2023
1 parent f98ca2e commit caa0e51
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## API
### DateRangePicker Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
className | String | - | 类名 | N
style | Object | - | 样式,Typescript:`React.CSSProperties` | N
allowInput | Boolean | false | \- | N
cancelRangeSelectLimit | Boolean | false | The default date selection interaction is determined based on the order of dates clicked and will be restricted. For example, if a user first clicks on the start date input box and chooses a date, for instance, 2020-05-15, the interaction will automatically shift focus to the end date input box, waiting for the user to select the end time. At this point, the user can only select a date later than 2020-05-15 (previous dates will be grayed out and disabled, restricting the user's selection). When this value is set to `true`, this restriction is lifted. | N
clearable | Boolean | false | \- | N
defaultTime | Array | ["00:00:00", "23:59:59"] | Time selector default value。Typescript:`string[]` | N
disableDate | Object / Array / Function | - | Typescript:`DisableRangeDate` `type DisableRangeDate = Array<DateValue> \| DisableDateObj \| ((context: { date: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial }) => boolean)` `interface DisableDateObj { from?: string; to?: string; before?: string; after?: string }` `type DateRangePickerPartial = 'start' \| 'end'`[see more ts definition]( | N
disabled | Boolean | - | \- | N
enableTimePicker | Boolean | false | \- | N
firstDayOfWeek | Number | - | options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 | N
format | String | - | \- | N
mode | String | date | options: year/quarter/month/week/date | N
panelPreselection | Boolean | true | \- | N
placeholder | String / Array | - | Typescript:`string \| Array<string>` | N
popupProps | Object | - | Typescript:`PopupProps`[Popup API Documents](./popup?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
prefixIcon | TElement | - | Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
presets | Object | - | Typescript:`PresetRange` `interface PresetRange { [range: string]: DateRange \| (() => DateRange)}` `type DateRange = [DateValue, DateValue]`[see more ts definition]( | N
presetsPlacement | String | bottom | options: left/top/right/bottom | N
rangeInputProps | Object | - | Typescript:`RangeInputProps`[RangeInput API Documents](./range-input?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
separator | String | - | \- | N
size | String | medium | options: small/medium/large。Typescript:`SizeEnum`[see more ts definition]( | N
status | String | default | options: default/success/warning/error | N
suffixIcon | TElement | - | Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
timePickerProps | Object | - | Typescript:`TimePickerProps`[TimePicker API Documents](./time-picker?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
tips | TNode | - | Typescript:`string \| TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
value | Array | [] | Typescript:`DateRangeValue` `type DateRangeValue = Array<DateValue>`[see more ts definition]( | N
defaultValue | Array | [] | uncontrolled property。Typescript:`DateRangeValue` `type DateRangeValue = Array<DateValue>`[see more ts definition]( | N
valueType | String | - | options: time-stamp/Date/YYYY/YYYY-MM/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD HH/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS | N
onBlur | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onChange | Function | | Typescript:`(value: DateRangeValue, context: { dayjsValue?: Dayjs[], trigger?: DatePickerTriggerSource }) => void`<br/>[see more ts definition](。<br/>`import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs'`<br/> | N
onConfirm | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { date: Date[], e: MouseEvent, partial: DateRangePickerPartial }) => void`<br/> | N
onFocus | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onInput | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { input: string; value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: InputEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onPick | Function | | Typescript:`(value: DateValue, context: PickContext) => void`<br/>[see more ts definition](。<br/>`interface PickContext { e: MouseEvent; partial: DateRangePickerPartial }`<br/> | N
onPresetClick | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { preset: PresetDate, e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
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## API
### DateRangePicker Props

名称 | 类型 | 默认值 | 说明 | 必传
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
className | String | - | 类名 | N
style | Object | - | 样式,TS 类型:`React.CSSProperties` | N
allowInput | Boolean | false | 是否允许输入日期 | N
cancelRangeSelectLimit | Boolean | false | 默认的日期选择交互是根据点击前后日期的顺序来决定并且会加以限制。比如:用户先点击开始时间输入框,选择了一个日期例如2020-05-15,紧接着交互会自动将焦点跳到结束日期输入框,等待用户选择结束时间。此时用户只能选择大于2020-05-15的日期(之前的日期会被灰态禁止点击,限制用户的点击)。当该值传递`true`时,则取消该限制。 | N
clearable | Boolean | false | 是否显示清除按钮 | N
defaultTime | Array | ["00:00:00", "23:59:59"] | 时间选择器默认值,当 value/defaultValue 未设置值时有效。TS 类型:`string[]` | N
disableDate | Object / Array / Function | - | 禁用日期,示例:['A', 'B'] 表示日期 A 和日期 B 会被禁用。{ from: 'A', to: 'B' } 表示在 A 到 B 之间的日期会被禁用。{ before: 'A', after: 'B' } 表示在 A 之前和在 B 之后的日期都会被禁用。其中 A = '2021-01-01',B = '2021-02-01'。值类型为 Function 则表示返回值为 true 的日期会被禁用。TS 类型:`DisableRangeDate` `type DisableRangeDate = Array<DateValue> \| DisableDateObj \| ((context: { date: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial }) => boolean)` `interface DisableDateObj { from?: string; to?: string; before?: string; after?: string }` `type DateRangePickerPartial = 'start' \| 'end'`[详细类型定义]( | N
disabled | Boolean | - | 是否禁用组件 | N
enableTimePicker | Boolean | false | 是否显示时间选择 | N
firstDayOfWeek | Number | - | 第一天从星期几开始。可选项:1/2/3/4/5/6/7 | N
format | String | - | 用于格式化日期,[详细文档]( | N
mode | String | date | 选择器模式。可选项:year/quarter/month/week/date | N
panelPreselection | Boolean | true | 在开始日期选中之前,面板是否显示预选状态,即是否高亮预选日期 | N
placeholder | String / Array | - | 占位符,值为数组表示可分别为开始日期和结束日期设置占位符。TS 类型:`string \| Array<string>` | N
popupProps | Object | - | 透传给 popup 组件的参数。TS 类型:`PopupProps`[Popup API Documents](./popup?tab=api)[详细类型定义]( | N
prefixIcon | TElement | - | 组件前置图标。TS 类型:`TNode`[通用类型定义]( | N
presets | Object | - | 预设快捷日期选择,示例:{ '特定日期范围': ['2021-01-01', '2022-01-01'], '本月': [dayjs().startOf('month'), dayjs().endOf('month')] }。TS 类型:`PresetRange` `interface PresetRange { [range: string]: DateRange \| (() => DateRange)}` `type DateRange = [DateValue, DateValue]`[详细类型定义]( | N
presetsPlacement | String | bottom | 预设面板展示区域(包含确定按钮)。可选项:left/top/right/bottom | N
rangeInputProps | Object | - | 透传给范围输入框 RangeInput 组件的参数。TS 类型:`RangeInputProps`[RangeInput API Documents](./range-input?tab=api)[详细类型定义]( | N
separator | String | - | 日期分隔符,支持全局配置,默认为 '-' | N
size | String | medium | 输入框尺寸。可选项:small/medium/large。TS 类型:`SizeEnum`[通用类型定义]( | N
status | String | default | 输入框状态。可选项:default/success/warning/error | N
suffixIcon | TElement | - | 组件后置图标。TS 类型:`TNode`[通用类型定义]( | N
timePickerProps | Object | - | 透传 TimePicker 组件属性。TS 类型:`TimePickerProps`[TimePicker API Documents](./time-picker?tab=api)[详细类型定义]( | N
tips | TNode | - | 输入框下方提示文本,会根据不同的 `status` 呈现不同的样式。TS 类型:`string \| TNode`[通用类型定义]( | N
value | Array | [] | 选中值。TS 类型:`DateRangeValue` `type DateRangeValue = Array<DateValue>`[详细类型定义]( | N
defaultValue | Array | [] | 选中值。非受控属性。TS 类型:`DateRangeValue` `type DateRangeValue = Array<DateValue>`[详细类型定义]( | N
valueType | String | - | 用于格式化日期的值,仅支持部分格式,时间戳、日期等。⚠️ `YYYYMMDD` 这种格式不支持,请勿使用,如果希望支持可以给 `dayjs` 提个 PR。注意和 `format` 的区别,`format` 仅用于处理日期在页面中呈现的格式。可选项:time-stamp/Date/YYYY/YYYY-MM/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD HH/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS | N
onBlur | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent }) => void`<br/>当输入框失去焦点时触发 | N
onChange | Function | | TS 类型:`(value: DateRangeValue, context: { dayjsValue?: Dayjs[], trigger?: DatePickerTriggerSource }) => void`<br/>选中值发生变化时触发。[详细类型定义](。<br/>`import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs'`<br/> | N
onConfirm | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { date: Date[], e: MouseEvent, partial: DateRangePickerPartial }) => void`<br/>如果存在“确定”按钮,则点击“确定”按钮时触发 | N
onFocus | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent }) => void`<br/>输入框获得焦点时触发 | N
onInput | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { input: string; value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: InputEvent }) => void`<br/>输入框数据发生变化时触发,参数 input 表示输入内容,value 表示组件当前有效值 | N
onPick | Function | | TS 类型:`(value: DateValue, context: PickContext) => void`<br/>选中日期时触发,可能是开始日期,也可能是结束日期,第二个参数可以区分是开始日期或是结束日期。[详细类型定义](。<br/>`interface PickContext { e: MouseEvent; partial: DateRangePickerPartial }`<br/> | N
onPresetClick | Function | | TS 类型:`(context: { preset: PresetDate, e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/>点击预设按钮后触发 | N
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## API
### DateRangePicker Props

name | type | default | description | required
-- | -- | -- | -- | --
allowInput | Boolean | false | \- | N
cancelRangeSelectLimit | Boolean | false | The default date selection interaction is determined based on the order of dates clicked and will be restricted. For example, if a user first clicks on the start date input box and chooses a date, for instance, 2020-05-15, the interaction will automatically shift focus to the end date input box, waiting for the user to select the end time. At this point, the user can only select a date later than 2020-05-15 (previous dates will be grayed out and disabled, restricting the user's selection). When this value is set to `true`, this restriction is lifted. | N
clearable | Boolean | false | \- | N
defaultTime | Array | ["00:00:00", "23:59:59"] | Time selector default value。Typescript:`string[]` | N
disableDate | Object / Array / Function | - | Typescript:`DisableRangeDate` `type DisableRangeDate = Array<DateValue> \| DisableDateObj \| ((context: { date: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial }) => boolean)` `interface DisableDateObj { from?: string; to?: string; before?: string; after?: string }` `type DateRangePickerPartial = 'start' \| 'end'`[see more ts definition]( | N
disabled | Boolean | - | \- | N
enableTimePicker | Boolean | false | \- | N
firstDayOfWeek | Number | - | options: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 | N
format | String | - | \- | N
mode | String | date | options: year/quarter/month/week/date | N
panelPreselection | Boolean | true | \- | N
placeholder | String / Array | - | Typescript:`string \| Array<string>` | N
popupProps | Object | - | Typescript:`PopupProps`[Popup API Documents](./popup?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
prefixIcon | Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
presets | Object | - | Typescript:`PresetRange` `interface PresetRange { [range: string]: DateRange \| (() => DateRange)}` `type DateRange = [DateValue, DateValue]`[see more ts definition]( | N
presetsPlacement | String | bottom | options: left/top/right/bottom | N
rangeInputProps | Object | - | Typescript:`RangeInputProps`[RangeInput API Documents](./range-input?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
separator | String | - | \- | N
size | String | medium | options: small/medium/large。Typescript:`SizeEnum`[see more ts definition]( | N
status | String | default | options: default/success/warning/error | N
suffixIcon | Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
timePickerProps | Object | - | Typescript:`TimePickerProps`[TimePicker API Documents](./time-picker?tab=api)[see more ts definition]( | N
tips | String / Slot / Function | - | Typescript:`string \| TNode`[see more ts definition]( | N
value | Array | [] | `v-model` and `v-model:value` is supported。Typescript:`DateRangeValue` `type DateRangeValue = Array<DateValue>`[see more ts definition]( | N
defaultValue | Array | [] | uncontrolled property。Typescript:`DateRangeValue` `type DateRangeValue = Array<DateValue>`[see more ts definition]( | N
valueType | String | - | options: time-stamp/Date/YYYY/YYYY-MM/YYYY-MM-DD/YYYY-MM-DD HH/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss/YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss:SSS | N
onBlur | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onChange | Function | | Typescript:`(value: DateRangeValue, context: { dayjsValue?: Dayjs[], trigger?: DatePickerTriggerSource }) => void`<br/>[see more ts definition](。<br/>`import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs'`<br/> | N
onConfirm | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { date: Date[], e: MouseEvent, partial: DateRangePickerPartial }) => void`<br/> | N
onFocus | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onInput | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { input: string; value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: InputEvent }) => void`<br/> | N
onPick | Function | | Typescript:`(value: DateValue, context: PickContext) => void`<br/>[see more ts definition](。<br/>`interface PickContext { e: MouseEvent; partial: DateRangePickerPartial }`<br/> | N
onPresetClick | Function | | Typescript:`(context: { preset: PresetDate, e: MouseEvent }) => void`<br/> | N

### DateRangePicker Events

name | params | description
-- | -- | --
blur | `(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent })` | \-
change | `(value: DateRangeValue, context: { dayjsValue?: Dayjs[], trigger?: DatePickerTriggerSource })` | [see more ts definition](。<br/>`import { Dayjs } from 'dayjs'`<br/>
confirm | `(context: { date: Date[], e: MouseEvent, partial: DateRangePickerPartial })` | \-
focus | `(context: { value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: FocusEvent })` | \-
input | `(context: { input: string; value: DateRangeValue; partial: DateRangePickerPartial; e: InputEvent })` | \-
pick | `(value: DateValue, context: PickContext)` | [see more ts definition](。<br/>`interface PickContext { e: MouseEvent; partial: DateRangePickerPartial }`<br/>
preset-click | `(context: { preset: PresetDate, e: MouseEvent })` | \-

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