Flexpa's public operating system
- 🤝 1:1s
- 🛂 Access control
- 🗣 Communication
- 💾 Development
- 🔊 Feedback
- 🌟 GPS
- 📔 Investor Updates
- 📋 Meetings
- 🛫 Off-boarding
- 🚦 OKRs
- 🛬 Onboarding
- 👥 Pairing
- 🔥 Referrals
- 🏠 Remote First
- 🏞️ Retreats
- ✋ Standups
- When relevant, always seek feedback on a proposed update via a public Slack threads first, before committing to the OS. Discussions are more real-time and conducive via Slack.
- Make a fork of the os repo. Currently only founders can merge directly to the main repo as we refine processes.
- Create a PR from your forked branch
- One of the founders will review your PR
- Address any updates
- A cofounder will merge when all checks have passed!
- Install mkdocs with the following commands
pip install mkdocs
orbrew install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin
- Run
mkdocs serve