This template serves as a starting point for building a connector using react-native-theoplayer.
Included is a basic connector API that interfaces with native components on iOS, Android and web, designed for easy expansion.
Moreover, the template generates a sample application that offers a practical demonstration of how to effectively utilize the connector. To enable compatibility with tvOS, the example employs react-native-tvos. The resulting application can be deployed across multiple platforms:
- Android, AndroidTV & FireTV
- iOS & tvOS
- Web-based platforms
To begin, initiate a new connector project using this template. Let's name it, for instance, THEODemoConnector
$ npx react-native init THEODemoConnector --template @theoplayer/react-native-connector-template
This command will also handle the installation of the required dependencies.
To test the connector, an illustrative project is provided within the template.
Navigate to the example directory:
$ cd THEODemoConnector/example
Install the necessary dependencies:
$ npm i
And run on either Web, Android or iOS:
$ npm run web
$ npm run android
$ (cd ios && pod install) && npm run ios
The connector template includes a simple API with initialize
and destroy
methods that bridge to
native iOS and Android.
export class ReactNativeTHEOplayerConnectorAdapter {
constructor (private player: THEOplayer, config: ReactNativeTHEOplayerConnectorConfiguration) {
NativeModules.ReactNativeTHEOplayerConnectorModule.initialize(this.player.nativeHandle, config);
destroy(): void {
NativeModules.ReactNativeTHEOplayerConnectorModule.destroy(this.player.nativeHandle || -1);
The nativeHandle
is used to uniquely identify the player instance, as each player can have its own
connector instance.
On the native iOS and Android side, the handle resolves to the corresponding player instance.
fun initialize(tag: Int, connectorConfig: ReadableMap) {
viewResolver.resolveViewByTag(tag) { view: ReactTHEOplayerView? ->
view?.player?.let { player ->
val config = ReactNativeTHEOplayerConnectorConfiguration(
connectors[tag] =
ReactNativeTHEOplayerConnector(reactApplicationContext, player, config)
fun destroy(tag: Int) {
func initialize(_ node: NSNumber, config: NSDictionary) -> Void {
log("initialize triggered.")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let view = self.view(for: node), let player = view.player, let sendError = view.mainEventHandler.onNativeError {
let connector = ReactNativeTHEOplayerConnector()
self.connectors[node] = connector
} else {
log("Cannot find THEOPlayer for node \(node)")
func destroy(_ node: NSNumber) -> Void {
log("destroy triggered.")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.connectors.removeValue(forKey: node)
The API can be extended with additional bridge methods.
For user convenience, a React hook is provided. This hook manages the destruction of the connector when either the player is being destroyed or the connector itself is unmounted.
import { useTHEODemoConnector } from 'THEODemoConnector';
const config: THEODemoConnectorConfiguration = {
debug: true,
const App = () => {
const [connector, initConnector] = useTHEODemoConnector(config);
const onPlayerReady = (player: THEOplayer) => {
// Initialize connector
return (<THEOplayerView config={playerConfig} onPlayerReady={onPlayerReady}/>);