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Utility methods, polyfills, and operators to simplify common tasks in Swift.


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Utility methods, polyfills, and operators to simplify common tasks in Swift.




Global Methods

FloatingPointMathType (CGFloat, Float, Double)

  • abs
  • acos
  • asin
  • atan
  • atan2
  • cos
  • sin
  • tan
  • exp
  • exp2
  • lerp
  • log
  • log10
  • log2
  • pow
  • sqrt
  • floor
  • ceil
  • round
  • clamp



Adds +, -, *, / operators for two points and point with scalar.



Adds +, -, *, / operators for two sizes and size with scalar.




Adds +, -, +=, -=, ==, < operators for NSDate.






Adds == operator for Range<ForwardIndexType>.

UIColor / NSColor

typealias to NSColor on non-iOS, missing init(red, green, blue, alpha) added.

UIImage / NSImage

typealias to NSImage on non-iOS, missing init(CGImage) and CGImage added.

### Array.compact(array: [T?]) -> [T]

Convert an array of optional types to non-optional types by removing any nil entries.


  • array - Array of optional types
  • returns A copy of the given array, typecasted with nil entries removed


let compacted: [Int] = [1, 2, nil, 3].compact()

### Array#indexOf(item: U) -> Int?

Return the index of the first array element equal to item.


  • item - The item to search for
  • returns A zero-based index for the first matching element in the array, otherwise nil


if let index = [1, 2, 3].indexOf(2) { ... }

### Array#indexOf(condition: TestCallback) -> Int?

Return the index of the first array element where the supplied function returns true.


  • condition - Function that takes an array element and returns true for a match, otherwise false
  • returns A zero-based index for the first matching element in the array, otherwise nil


if let index = [1, 2, 3].indexOf({ $0 == 2 }) { ... }

### Array#each(function: ElementCallback)

Execute a function for each element in the array.


  • function - Function to run for each element


[1, 2, 3].each { println($0) }

### Array#each(function: IndexedElementCallback)

Execute a function for each index and element tuple in the array.


  • function - Function to run for each index and element tuple


[1, 2, 3].each { println("Index \($0) = \($1)") }

### Array#contains(items: T...) -> Bool

Test if the array contains one or more elements.


  • items - One or more elements to search for in the array. The array must contain all of the given elements for this method to return true
  • returns True if all of the given elements were found in the array, otherwise false


if [1, 2, 3].contains(2, 3) { ... }

### Array#some(test: TestCallback) -> Bool

Test if any of the array elements pass a given condition.


  • test - Function that takes an array element and returns true or false
  • returns True the first time an array element passes the test function, otherwise false


if [1, 2, 3].some({ $0 == 2 }) { ... }

### Array#every(test: TestCallback) -> Bool

Test if all of the array elements pass a given condition.


  • test - Function that takes an array element and returns true or false
  • returns True if every array element passes the test function, otherwise false the first time an element fails the test


if [1, 2, 3].every({ $0 is Int }) { ... }

### Array#joinWithString(separator: String) -> String

Flatten the elements of this array into a string, with the separator string between each element in the output string.


  • separator - String to place between each element
  • returns A string representation of the array


[1, 2, 3].joinWithString("-") // "1-2-3"

### Array#chooseRandom() -> T?

Return a randomly chosen element from the array.


  • returns A randomly chosen element, or nil if the array is empty


if let num = [1, 2, 3].chooseRandom() { println("Chose \(num)") }

### Array#pop() -> Element?

Remove the last element from the array and return it.


  • returns The last element in the array, or nil if the array is empty


[1, 2, 3].pop() // Array becomes [1, 2]

### Array#shift() -> Element?

Remove the first element from the array and return it.


  • returns The first element in the array, or nil if the array is empty


[1, 2, 3].shift() // Array becomes [2, 3]

### Array#unshift(item: T)

Add an element to the beginning of the array.


  • item - New item to prepend to the array


[1, 2, 3].unshift(0) // Array becomes [0, 1, 2, 3]

### Array#fill(value: Element, count: Int)

Add an element to the array a given number of times.


  • value - New element to append to the array
  • count - Number of times to append the new element


[].fill("a", 3) // Array becomes ["a", "a", "a"]

### CGRect#aspectFill(toRect: CGRect) -> CGRect

Scales this rectangle to fill another rectangle. Some portion of this rectangle may extend beyond the bounds of the target rectangle to fill the target rectangle


  • toRect - Target rectangle to fill
  • returns A copy of this rectangle, scaled to fill the target rectangle


CGRectMake(0, 0, 4, 5).aspectFill(CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)) // Returns { 0, -12.5, 100, 125 }

### CGRect#aspectFit(toRect: CGRect) -> CGRect

Scales this rectangle to fill the interior of another rectangle while maintaining this rectangle's aspect ratio


  • toRect - Target rectangle to fit inside of
  • returns A copy of this rectangle, scaled to fit the target rectangle


CGRectMake(0, 0, 4, 5).aspectFit(CGRectMake(0, 0, 100, 100)) // Returns { 10, 0, 80, 100 }

### CGSize#aspectFill(toSize: CGSize) -> CGSize

Scales this size to fill a rectangle. Some portion of this size may extend beyond the bounds of the rectangle to fill the rectangle


  • toRect - Target rectangle to fill
  • returns A copy of this size, scaled to fill the target rectangle


CGSizeMake(4, 5).aspectFill(CGSizeMake(100, 100)) // Returns { 100, 125 }

### CGSize#aspectFit(toSize: CGSize) -> CGSize

Scales this size to fill the interior of a rectangle while maintaining this size's aspect ratio


  • toRect - Target rectangle to fit inside of
  • returns A copy of this size, scaled to fit the target rectangle


CGSizeMake(4, 5).aspectFill(CGSizeMake(100, 100)) // Returns { 80, 100 }

### Dictionary.sortByKeys(dictionary: [K: V]) -> [V]

Convert a dictionary to an array of values sorted by the dictionary keys


  • dictionary - Dictionary to sort
  • returns An array of values sorted by their corresponding keys in the dictionary


Dictionary.sortByKeys([2: "a", 1: "b"]) // Returns ["b", "a"]

### Dictionary#map (transform: (Key, Value) -> (K, V)) -> [K: V]

Map all of the (key, value) tuples in this dictionary to new key value pairs in a new dictionary. The behavior is undefined for two or more keys mapping to the same output key


  • transform - Function that is called once for each key value pair and returns a new key value pair
  • returns Dictionary consisting of the mapped key value pairs


["a": 1, "b": 2].map { return ("*" + $0, $1 * 3) } // Returns ["*a": 3, "*b": 6]

### Double#abs() -> Double

Return the absolute value of this number


  • returns fabs(self)

### Double#sqrt() -> Double

Return the square root of this number


  • returns sqrt(self)

### Double#floor() -> Double

Return this number rounded down to the nearest whole number


  • returns floor(self)

### Double#ceil() -> Double

Return this number rounded up to the nearest whole number


  • returns ceil(self)

### Double#round() -> Double

Return this number rounded to the nearest whole number


  • returns round(self)

### Double#clamp(min: Double, _ max: Double) -> Double

Return this value clamped to the closed interval defined by min and max


  • min - Inclusive minimum value
  • max - Inclusive maximum value
  • returns Swift.max(min, Swift.min(max, self))

### Double.random(min: Double = 0, max: Double = 1) -> Double

Return a uniformly distributed random number in the half open interval [min, max)


  • min - Inclusive minimum value
  • max - Exclusive maximum value
  • returns A random number within the given interval

### NSData#base64URLEncode() -> String

Convert this NSData to a URL-safe base64 encoded string. URL-safe encoding replaces + and / with - and _, respectively, and does not contain = padding characters. For more information see


  • returns A URL-safe base64 encoded string

### NSData#toHexString() -> String

Convert this NSData to a hexadecimal string. The output will not include a "0x" prefix


  • returns A hexadecimal string

### NSDate#currentTZOffset() -> NSTimeInterval

Returns the current system local timezone as the number of seconds offset from GMT.


  • returns Example: -25200 seconds for Pacific Daylight Time

### NSDate#currentTZOffsetMinutes() -> Int

Returns the current system local timezone as the number of minutes offset from GMT. :returns: Example: -420 minutes for Pacific Daylight Time

### NSDate#toISOString() -> String

Returns this date as an ISO 8601 string.


  • returns ISO 8601 formatted string. Example: "2008-09-22T14:01:54.957Z"

### NSDate#toRFC3339String() -> String

Returns this date as an RFC 3339 string.


  • returns RFC 3339 formatted string. Example: "2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00"

### NSDate#unixTimestamp() -> Int64

Returns this date as a UNIX timestamp (number of whole seconds passed since the UNIX epoch).


  • returns 64-bit integer timestamp. Example: 1435383187

### NSDate#shortRelativeString(otherDate: NSDate) -> String

Returns the difference between this date and another date as a short human-friendly string. Examples: "now", "3m", "5h", "1w", "2015y".


  • otherDate - Other date to compare this date against. The absolute difference between the two dates is used.
  • returns A short string representation of the time difference between the two dates

### NSDate#midnight() -> NSDate

Returns an NSDate for midnight of the same day as this date.


  • returns NSDate at midnight

### NSDate#addSeconds(seconds: Int) -> NSDate

Returns a new date by adding seconds to the current date.

### NSDate#addMinutes(minutes: Int) -> NSDate

Returns a new date by adding minutes to the current date.

### NSDate#addHours(hours: Int) -> NSDate

Returns a new date by adding hours to the current date.

### NSDate#addDays(days: Int) -> NSDate

Returns a new date by adding days to the current date.

### NSDate#addWeeks(weeks: Int) -> NSDate

Returns a new date by adding weeks to the current date.

### NSDate#addMonths(months: Int) -> NSDate

Returns a new date by adding months to the current date.

### NSDate#addYears(years: Int) -> NSDate

Returns a new date by adding years to the current date.

### NSDate#isAfter(date: NSDate) -> Bool

Test if a given date occurs after this date.


  • date - Date to test against this date
  • returns True if the given date is ahead of this date, otherwise false if it is equal to or behind this date.

### NSDate#isBefore(date: NSDate) -> Bool

Test if a given date occurs before this date.


  • date - Date to test against this date
  • returns True if the given date is behind this date, otherwise false if it is equal to or ahead of this date.

### NSObject#getAssociatedObject(key: UnsafePointer) -> T?

Retrieve an associated object. Associated objects allow NSObject-derived objects to be associated with a parent NSObject-derived object and a given key. They are particularly useful for adding new members to an object via extensions.


  • key - Key used to store the associated object being retrieved
  • returns Value associated with the given key on this object if it exists and matches the expected type, otherwise nil


extension UIViewController {
    private static var key = "myPropertyKey"
    var myProperty: String? { return getAssociatedObject(&UIViewController.key) as? String }

### NSObject#setAssociatedObject(key: UnsafePointer, _ value: T?)

Set an associated object. Associated objects allow NSObject-derived objects to be associated with a parent NSObject-derived object and a given key. They are particularly useful for adding new members to an object via extensions.


  • key - Key used to store the associated object
  • value - Object to store


extension UIViewController {
    private static var key = "myPropertyKey"
    var myProperty: String? {
        get { return getAssociatedObject(&UIViewController.key) as? String }
        set { setAssociatedObject(&UIViewController.key, newValue as NSString?) }

### NSObject#lazyAssociatedObject(key: UnsafePointer, initializer: () -> T) -> T

Retrieve an associated object that is lazily initialized. See getAssociatedObject for more information on associated objects.


  • key - Key used to store the associated object being retrieved
  • initializer - Function that instantiates the associated object This method is run only once the first time the object is accessed


extension UIViewController {
    private static var key = "myPropertyKey"
    var myProperty: MyComplexObject {
        return lazyAssociatedObject(&UIViewController.key)
            { MyComplexObject() } as? MyComplexObject

### NSRegularExpression#exec(string: String) -> RegExpMatches

Execute this regular expression against a given string and return all matches and capture groups.


  • haystack - The string to execute this regular expression against
  • returns A RegExpMatches object containing each match which in turn contains the matching value, range, and capture groups


for match in RegExp("(\\w+)")!.exec("hello world") {

### NSRegularExpression#test(string: String) -> Bool

Test if this regular expression matches one or more times against a given string.


  • string - The string to test this regular expression against
  • returns True ifthe regular expression matched one or more times, otherwise false

### NSString#startsWith(prefix: String) -> Bool

Test if this string starts with a given string.


  • prefix - String to test against the beginning of the current string
  • returns True if this string starts with the given prefix

### NSString#endsWith(suffix: String) -> Bool

Test if this string ends with a given string.


  • suffix - String to test against the ending of the current string
  • returns True if this string ends with the given suffix

### NSString#contains(needle: String) -> Bool

Test if this string contains a given string.


  • needle - String to search for
  • returns True if this string contains the given string

### NSString#match(regex: RegExp) -> [String]

Find all matches in this string for a given regular expression. This method does not support capture groups (use RegExp#exec()).


  • regex - Regular expression to execute against this string
  • returns Array of zero or more

### NSString#replace(target: String, withString replacement: String, options: NSStringCompareOptions = .LiteralSearch, range searchRange: Range? = nil) -> String

Returns a new string by replacing all instances of a given substring with another string.


  • target - Substring to search and replace in this string
  • withString - Replacement string
  • options - String comparison options
  • range - Limit search and replace to a specific range
  • returns New string with all instances of target replaced by withString

### NSString#split(separator: String) -> [String]

Returns an array containing substrings from this string that have been divided by a given separator.


  • separator - Separator string to split on. Example: ":"
  • returns Array of substrings

### NSString#split(separators: NSCharacterSet) -> [String]

Returns an array containing substrings from this string that have been divided by a given set of separator characters.


  • separators - Separator characters to split on
  • returns Array of substrings

### NSString#substr(range: Range) -> String

Returns a substring specified by a given character range.


  • range - Character range to extract
  • returns Extracted substring

### NSString#substr(range: Range) -> String

Returns a substring specified by a given string range.


  • range - String range to extract
  • returns Extracted substring

### NSString#substr(startIndex: Int) -> String

Returns a substring starting at the specified character offset.


  • startIndex - Inclusive starting character index
  • returns Extracted substring

### NSString#trim() -> String

Returns a string with leading and trailing whitespace and newlines removed.


  • returns Trimmed string

### NSString#uriEncoded() -> String

Returns a string with non-URI-safe characters escaped using percent encoding.


  • returns Escaped string

### NSString#md5Sum() -> String

Returns this string's MD5 checksum as a hexidecimal string.


  • returns 32 character hexadecimal string

### NSString#rangeWithOffsets(startOffset: Int = 0, endOffset: Int = 0) -> Range

Construct a string range by specifying relative offsets from the beginning and end of this string.


  • startOffset - Relative offset from the beginning of this string. Must be >= 0
  • endOffset - Relative offset from the end of this string. Must be <= 0
  • returns Range<String.Index> for this string

### NSString#toStringRange(range: Range) -> Range

Convert a range specified as character positions to a string range.


  • range - Character position range. Example: (0...5)
  • returns Range<String.Index> for this string

### NSString#toStringRange(range: NSRange) -> Range?

Convert an NSRange to a string range.


  • NSRange - to convert
  • returns Range<String.Index> for this string

### NSString#fullNSRange() -> NSRange

Returns an NSRange representing the entire length of this string.


  • returns NSRange

### NSTimer#schedule(delay afterDelay: NSTimeInterval, handler: TimerCallback) -> NSTimer

Schedule a function to run once after the specified delay.


  • delay - Number of seconds to wait before running the function
  • handler - Function to run
  • returns The newly created timer associated with this execution

### NSTimer#schedule(repeatInterval interval: NSTimeInterval, handler: TimerCallback) -> NSTimer

Schedule a function to run continuously with the specified interval.


  • repeatInterval - Number of seconds to wait before running the function the first time, and in between each successive run
  • handler - Function to return
  • returns The newly created timer associated with this execution

### Range#each(function: T -> ())

Execute a function for each element in the range.


  • function - Function to run for each element

### Range#map(function: T -> V) -> [V]

Map each element in this range to an output value.


  • function - Function mapping a range element to an output value
  • returns An array of output values

### Range#toArray() -> [T]

Convert this range to an array.


  • returns An array containing each element in the range

### UIImage#imageWithFill(color: UIColor) -> UIImage

Create a 1x1 image filled with the specified color.


  • color - Color to fill the image with
  • returns New UIImage containing one pixel of the specified color

### Math#lerp(a: Float, b: Float, t: Float) -> Float

Linearly interpolate between two values.


  • a - Starting value
  • b - Ending value
  • t - Percent to interpolate from a to b, usually in the range [0-1]
  • returns The interpolated value


lerp(50.0, 100.0, 0.5) // 75.0

### Math#lerp(a: Double, b: Double, t: Double) -> Double

Linearly interpolate between two values.


  • a - Starting value
  • b - Ending value
  • t - Percent to interpolate from a to b, usually in the range [0-1]
  • returns The interpolated value


lerp(50.0, 100.0, 0.5) // 75.0

### Threading#lazyThreadLocalObject(key: String, initializer: () -> T) -> T

Retrieve a thread-local object that is lazily initialized. A new thread-local object is instantiated and cached for each thread this method is called on.


  • key - Key used to store the thread-local being retrieved
  • initializer - Function that instantiates the thread-local object This method is run only once per thread, the first time the object is accessed on each thread


lazyThreadLocalObject("my.namespace.object") { return MyObject() }

### Threading#runOnMainThread(block: dispatch_block_t)

Asynchronously schedule a function for execution on the main thread


  • block - Function to run on the main thread in the (near) future


runOnMainThread { self.collectionView.reloadData() }

### Threading#runOnMainThreadIfNeeded(block: dispatch_block_t)

Asynchronously schedule a function for execution on the main thread if we're currently on a background thread, otherwise synchronously run the function immediately.


  • block - Function to either asynchronously schedule or run immediately


runOnMainThreadIfNeeded { self.collectionView.reloadData() }

### Threading#runOnMainThreadIfNeededSync(block: dispatch_block_t)

Schedule a function for execution on the main thread and block execution on the current background thread until it completes, or synchronously run the function immediately if we're already on the main thread.


  • block - Function to either synchronously schedule or run immediately


runOnMainThreadIfNeededSync { myMainThreadWork() }

### Threading#runOnMainThreadAfterDelay(delay: NSTimeInterval, block: dispatch_block_t)

Asynchronously schedule a function for execution on the main thread after at least the given delay.


  • delay - Minimum number of seconds to wait before execution
  • block - Function to run on the main thread in the future


runOnMainThreadAfterDelay(3.0) { self.label.text = "Waited three seconds" }

### Threading#runAsync(block: dispatch_block_t)

Asynchronously schedule a function for execution on a background thread, using the default priority global queue.


  • block - Function to run on a background thread in the (near) future


runAsync { println("On thread \(NSThread.currentThread().name)") }

### Threading#runAsyncAfterDelay(delay: NSTimeInterval, block: dispatch_block_t)

Asynchronously schedule a function for execution on a background thread after at least the given delay, using the default priority global queue.


  • delay - Minimum number of seconds to wait before execution
  • block - Function to run on a background thread in the future


runAsyncAfterDelay(3.0) {
    println("On thread \(NSThread.currentThread().name) after 3 seconds")


Utility methods, polyfills, and operators to simplify common tasks in Swift.







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