Correlative ecological niche models for green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica)
Adam B. Smith | Missouri Botanical Garden
The code in this repository constructs simple (correlative) ecological niche models for green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica. Much of the data is pulled from web services, so the code is nearly entirely self-standing. The only data that needs to be available external to the project are:
- Climate rasters for present and past created by Lorenz et al. 2016 (doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.48). The climate rasters are coped into the project folder.
- A shapefile representing the range of green ash created by Elbert Little. This used to be available on a USFS website, but a clone can be found at The shapefile is copied into the project folder.
This repository is part of TIMBERhub (on GitHub), a product of the NSF-funded award entitled "Collaborative Research: ABI Innovation: Quantifying biogeographic history: a novel model-based approach to integrating data from genes, fossils, specimens, and environments" to Drs. Sean Hoban, Allan Strand, Andria Dawson, John Robinson, and Adam B. Smith.