This repository contains the project used to create the code samples for The TMB API.
It is based on The Book Of Openlayers 3 Code Samples repo by @acanimal:
TMB API is under active development. For more information, visit
You can see the code samples running at
We assume you have installed all the needed software:
- Git Installing Git
- nodejs How to install nodejs
First of all clone the repo:
git clone
cd TMB-API-samples
Install npm packages:
npm install
Install JavaScript dependencies:
bower install
Now you should have new node_modules
and bower_components
directories with all dependencies.
Go to the TMB Developer Portal, sign up and create a New Public API Application (follow the instructions in the Portal). Take note of your app_id and app_key.
You must create a JSON file named pass.json
in the root folder and copy this content:
"github": {
"app_key": "d9905ec9b70bc6aca11e39be3cd0d856",
"app_id": "df5c473f"
"local": {
"app_key": "your app key here",
"app_id": "your app id here"
Replace "your app key here" and "your app id here" with your newly created app_key and app_id.
To keep the code simple we haven't used any frameworks (like AngularJs, Backbone or similar) neither used any template engine. Just OpenLayers and Bootstrap.
Some tasks are automated with grunt.
plugin allows file inclusion to avoid repeating some pieces of code, like header or footer, on each example.index.html
and all theapi_*.html
files must be edited withint theapp_tpl
folder (that acts as the original templates). Thegrunt includes
tasks is responsible to compile the template files and generate the right html files in theapp
folder.- Any other content, like images or data, must be edited directly in the
grunt build
andgrunt serve
tasks will recompile the templates as well. The later will launch a local HTTP server with autoreload.
Create a separate branch:
git checkout -b feature/a_cool_feature_descriptive_title
Add a new API sample file from the boilerplate:
cp app_tpl/api_00_boilerplate_file.html app_tpl/<your_sample_file_name>.html
Edit the new file using your favourite IDE.
You can run the grunt serve
task in parallel to see the changes in the browser (automatic refresh). Navigate to localhost:9009 in your browser (you can modify this port in Gruntfile.js
You can create a thumbnail for your sample. Get a nice 480px wide x 360px high image screenshot, and save it to the app/images
folder with the same name of the main sample file: <your_sample_file_name>.png
The samples.json
contains the needed data to build the main page. Examples are grouped into sections. Add yours in an existing or new section.
Needed fieds are title, decription, url and thumbnail:
"title": "First Section title",
"samples": [
"title": "Sample Title",
"description": "Sample Description",
"url": "api_0*_a_sample_descriptive_title.html",
"thumbnail": "api_0*_a_sample_descriptive_title.png"
}, {
"title": "Another Section",
"samples": [
"title": "Other Title",
"description": "Other Description",
"url": "api_0*_other_descriptive_title.html",
"thumbnail": "api_0*_other_descriptive_title.png"
All your changes must be commited in your separate branch feature/a_cool_feature_descriptive_title
Once finished, merge the sample to the main branch (develop in our case) and, optionally, delete your local feature branch:
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff feature/a_cool_feature_descriptive_title
git branch -d feature/a_cool_feature_descriptive_title
git push origin develop
The demo pages are published from the gh-pages branch. To automagically update the demo, use the grunt gh-pages
grunt ghpages
This plugin builds the project in a hidden directory <ROOT_DIRECTORY>/.grunt/grunt-gh-pages/gh-pages/src
. The built contents are then automatically pushed to the gh-pages branch.
Some of the sample file names end with "_gist.html". Those samples are simple enough so they can be converted to an plain simple HTML page with no other dependencies.
The grunt gist
task will generate the plain "gist" example files inside the gist
grunt gist
Code samples for The TMB API by Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona is derivated from Code samples for The Book of OpenLayers3 by Antonio Santiago licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.