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TMarkos edited this page May 18, 2015 · 6 revisions

The following parts are included with this mod:


  • LB-10 "Shortcut" - The smallest beacon, it's highly efficient at distances up to around a billion meters and can operate in the highest gravity of any of the beacon models. It is not particularly impacted by tonnage and has extremely low cost-per-ton at very short range. Ideal for transit between areas in the same planetary SOI.
  • LB-15 "Meander" - A 2.5m beacon, this midrange part is capable of transferring lighter ships over interplanetary distances but suffers from crippling inefficiencies for ships above about 50 tons. A solid core for a transportation network with reasonable gravity restrictions and low cost-per-km.
  • LB-100 "Longbow" - The largest beacon from the ESLD, it isn't particularly cost-effective at transfers but does not suffer the same weight limitations as the LB-15. It also comes with severe gravity restrictions that preclude operation anywhere near a large body, so convenient access is a challenge. However, when sending heavy ships over tens of billions of meters it cannot be matched in both fuel economy and spread from the target beacon.
  • IB-1 Integrated Drive - A repurposed LB-100, this has been modified to allow self-transport. It has terrible efficiency for short jumps but outperforms all beacons in long-range fuel economy for heavy ships. It can be used as a target for ships jumping normally, but don't expect them to arrive anywhere near the destination ship.


  • Heisenkerb Compensator - Why does everyone make the assumption that travel via space-time tears wouldn't be instantly and horrifically fatal? Without this installed, transferring crew and high-energy resources is highly inadvisable.
  • Gravitational Mitigator - Beacons have gravity restrictions based on their model that prevent them from operating within a certain range of large bodies. This device allows them to operate in gravity 25% higher than their original limits at the cost of increased power requirements.
  • Alignment Matrix - When transferring between planets using traditional methods, you have to spend a lot of DV matching orbital speeds. Beacons don't remove this requirement, a normal beacon transfer between planets will leave you with a whole ton of relative velocity to bleed off. With the alignment matrix, however, you can spend extra Karborundum to match velocities without the matching burn at the other end of the transfer.
  • Superconducting Coil Array - Superconductors, nanotubes and graphene can solve any problem. In this case, tossing some extra superconductors on your beacon shaves 10% off the base trip cost. Why? Because superconductors, that's why.

Fuel Tanks

  • Three fuel tanks, each containing twice the amount of Karborundum their respective diameter of beacon would have. As with the beacons, they start empty and must be filled offplanet.