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Merge pull request #51 from TREX-CoE/basis_r_power #113

Merge pull request #51 from TREX-CoE/basis_r_power

Merge pull request #51 from TREX-CoE/basis_r_power #113

Workflow file for this run

name: TOOLS CI
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
name: x86 Ubuntu latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: create a virtual environment
run: |
python3 -m venv trexio_tools
source trexio_tools/bin/activate
- name: install dependencies
run: pip install -r requirements.txt
- name: install trexio_tools
run: pip install .
- name: check installation
run: trexio --help
- name: run tests
run: |
# benchmark the converters from external codes
echo "== Starting conversion =="
trexio convert-from -t gaussian -i data/chbrclf.log -b hdf5 trexio_gaussi.h5
trexio convert-from -t gamess -i data/GAMESS_CAS.log -b hdf5 trexio_gamess.h5
trexio convert-from -t pyscf -i data/water.chk -b hdf5 trexio_pyscf_h2o_sph.h5
trexio convert-from -t pyscf -i data/diamond_single_k.chk -b hdf5 trexio_pyscf_1k.h5
trexio convert-from -t pyscf -i data/diamond_k_grid.chk -b hdf5 trexio_pyscf_Nk.h5
trexio convert-from -t crystal -i data/crystal23_mgo_lda.out -m 1 -b hdf5 crystal.hdf5
trexio convert-from -t orca -i data/h2o.json -b hdf5 trexio_orca_h2o_sph.h5
trexio convert-to -t cartesian -o trexio_orca_h2o.h5 trexio_orca_h2o_sph.h5
trexio convert-to -t cartesian -o trexio_pyscf_h2o.h5 trexio_pyscf_h2o_sph.h5
echo "== Done conversion =="
# dummy checks for overwriting
trexio convert-from -t gaussian -i data/chbrclf.log -b hdf5 -w False trexio_gaussi.h5 || echo "Failure as it should"
trexio convert-from -t gaussian -i data/chbrclf.log -b hdf5 -w True trexio_gaussi.h5 && echo "Success as it should"
echo "=== Check TREXIO file converted from GAMESS ==="
trexio check-mos -n 50 trexio_gamess.h5 > mos-res
grep "Norm of the error" < mos-res | grep -Eo "([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.?[0-9]+)([eE][+-][0-9]+)?" > error-res
cat error-res
python -c 'with open("error-res") as f: error = f.readline().strip(); assert float(error) < 0.12'
echo "=== Check TREXIO file converted from PySCF ==="
trexio check-mos -n 100 trexio_pyscf_h2o.h5 > mos-res
grep "Norm of the error" < mos-res | grep -Eo "([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.?[0-9]+)([eE][+-][0-9]+)?" > error-res
cat error-res
python -c 'with open("error-res") as f: error = f.readline().strip(); assert float(error) < 0.00018'
echo "=== Check TREXIO file converted from ORCA ==="
trexio check-mos -n 100 trexio_orca_h2o.h5 > mos-res
grep "Norm of the error" < mos-res | grep -Eo "([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.?[0-9]+)([eE][+-][0-9]+)?" > error-res
cat error-res
python -c 'with open("error-res") as f: error = f.readline().strip(); assert float(error) < 0.08'
# benchmark helper converters
trexio convert-to -t molden -o trexio_molden.h5 trexio_gamess.h5
echo "=== Check normalization in spherical file ==="
trexio check-mos -n 100 data/methane_sphe.hdf5 > mos-res
grep "Norm of the error" < mos-res | grep -Eo "([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.?[0-9]+)([eE][+-][0-9]+)?" > error-res
cat error-res
python -c 'with open("error-res") as f: error = f.readline().strip(); assert float(error) < 0.0017'
echo "=== Check normalization after transformation into cartesian file ==="
trexio convert-to -t cartesian data/methane_sphe.hdf5 -o methane_cart.hdf5
trexio check-mos -n 100 methane_cart.hdf5 > mos-res
grep "Norm of the error" < mos-res | grep -Eo "([0-9]+\.[0-9]*|\.?[0-9]+)([eE][+-][0-9]+)?" > error-res
cat error-res
python -c 'with open("error-res") as f: error = f.readline().strip(); assert float(error) < 0.0017'