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Liu Peng edited this page Jul 23, 2019 · 9 revisions

DISCLAIMER: TTC Foundation makes its contribution on a voluntary basis as a member of the TTC community and is not responsible for ensuring the overall performance of the software or any related applications. We make no representation, warranty, guarantee or undertaking in respect of the software or any related documentation, whether expressed or implied, including but not limited to the warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall we be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or documentation or the use or other dealings in the software or documentation. Any test results or performance figures are indicative and will not reflect performance under all conditions. Any reference to any third party or third-party product, service or other resource is not an endorsement or recommendation by TTC Foundation We are not responsible, and disclaim any and all responsibility and liability, for your use of or reliance on any of these resources. Third-party resources may be updated, changed or terminated at any time, so the information here may be out of date or inaccurate.

New Features

Slave Network Supported

  • multi slave network
  • slave network can be add or remove (proposal/declare mechanism)
  • TGAS used as gas on side-chain can be buy from Mainnet

New Penalty Algorithm

  • optimize the functions relate to find missing block

Bug Fix


Please download the new branch release/v0.2.0, build gttc, and restart your node with the same args you use before.

More detail information about build gttc cloud be found on Building GTTC

When you restart the node, log will show like below:

INFO [07-11|06:32:12] Maximum peer count                       ETH=25 LES=0 total=25
INFO [07-11|06:32:12] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=gttc/v0.2.0-stable/linux-amd64/go1.11.5
INFO [07-11|06:32:12] Allocated cache and file handles         database=/home/dev/ttcnet/node1/gttc/chaindata cache=768 handles=512
INFO [07-11|06:32:14] Initialised chain configuration          config="{ChainID: 8848 Homestead: 1 EIP150: 2 EIP155: 3 EIP158: 3 Byzantium: 4 Constantinople: <nil> Engine: alien}"
INFO [07-11|06:32:14] Initialised alien configuration          config="{Period:3 Epoch:201600 MaxSignerCount:21 MinVoterBalance:+100000000000000000000 GenesisTimestamp:1554004800 SelfVoteSigners:[[110 131 67 12 165 110 227 58 38 229 206 135 35 156 178 81 152 28 204 43] [24 7 239 203 77 194 82 255 105 88 234 171 119 12 139 57 54 165 55 143] [53 15 204 243 97 36 206 205 38 49 142 153 49 65 76 232 114 189 182 140] [9 203 173 128 224 137 117 79 97 12 184 119 29 158 202 5 228 226 43 219] [157 80 124 16 150 5 49 201 173 192 255 220 157 156 115 81 103 39 92 175] [194 82 192 244 212 96 85 76 103 149 50 7 44 141 190 205 141 158 232 155] [216 246 142 42 248 160 97 240 234 94 87 171 122 202 27 127 169 109 171 138] [12 88 1 155 156 142 41 62 59 232 211 253 80 247 122 245 242 232 75 183] [101 221 149 143 116 51 203 232 53 52 1 209 49 201 37 224 66 67 48 182] [7 108 21 240 111 54 177 85 68 241 233 123 74 172 189 53 141 96 205 240] [236 253 3 40 133 180 185 230 154 183 50 232 0 199 34 150 115 49 101 215] [26 121 16 254 67 180 155 139 195 60 4 203 19 140 178 168 225 132 47 50] [245 47 226 232 222 203 187 59 0 235 236 122 26 80 164 16 85 215 132 234] [53 239 135 74 15 18 88 31 208 31 210 177 120 218 116 114 71 94 37 60] [144 212 169 231 123 246 75 88 247 192 125 59 193 159 139 181 233 212 144 49] [123 211 140 66 124 104 95 190 203 190 13 175 73 205 164 102 182 71 92 198] [219 31 88 96 146 145 112 51 225 82 152 102 53 148 171 176 30 185 142 57] [73 87 74 215 131 47 249 169 33 78 180 98 204 226 172 207 53 249 17 140] [200 167 202 97 43 231 29 132 200 44 44 31 239 189 3 85 23 223 103 69] [126 19 112 107 171 75 250 225 248 86 215 94 150 103 106 178 126 238 160 131] [197 152 30 127 182 114 107 233 99 69 167 50 222 98 6 187 29 102 185 99] [186 153 224 187 63 185 83 125 183 106 138 193 231 110 188 165 23 121 84 201] [208 57 209 254 182 177 60 58 190 80 137 218 145 87 253 65 16 76 26 238] [83 44 135 114 146 94 75 85 166 188 153 233 84 170 76 172 199 209 82 179] [180 100 150 63 203 82 180 102 101 119 152 117 56 164 94 104 135 109 196 231] [137 103 246 208 76 227 102 131 235 224 140 85 202 161 90 23 116 71 249 131] [5 243 155 254 149 136 249 41 123 143 59 1 154 62 227 54 239 228 124 71] [12 89 221 26 21 195 213 219 75 66 151 205 121 191 231 43 96 175 252 62] [143 5 56 124 77 99 114 136 221 25 126 38 213 189 211 203 112 135 121 60] [2 40 159 53 182 12 151 226 113 65 198 174 178 105 29 37 181 49 199 85] [57 225 133 33 39 142 81 33 253 176 182 145 232 72 105 189 76 100 82 65] [75 74 12 140 177 123 80 216 210 38 16 179 7 195 73 182 53 96 202 75] [155 37 249 127 164 227 137 45 154 134 172 3 90 51 139 54 218 206 92 75] [197 32 193 93 148 54 3 220 51 62 191 107 94 57 235 77 80 159 193 248] [218 134 59 162 96 163 106 17 227 234 149 59 97 222 74 14 239 250 166 245] [54 146 4 142 244 148 121 41 75 207 233 238 126 151 80 134 51 117 111 63] [39 247 252 247 147 134 24 223 176 252 54 104 205 111 231 193 247 49 88 112] [243 73 97 229 101 74 118 51 94 4 128 189 124 125 55 10 212 26 199 79] [146 145 142 233 111 82 159 218 186 177 161 255 218 98 124 61 107 68 42 217] [32 36 204 141 137 247 203 208 154 64 133 251 199 41 227 185 238 146 193 190] [27 88 135 21 123 239 242 226 239 249 234 155 132 9 243 202 27 106 5 47] [173 17 97 43 226 217 129 31 254 128 249 233 236 27 189 192 255 52 6 124] [78 48 17 171 91 38 28 255 19 63 78 143 181 151 221 9 128 129 74 148] [40 52 220 107 75 5 79 207 156 178 6 223 76 206 23 250 0 68 130 107] [122 45 164 95 209 45 155 212 66 39 236 88 165 240 195 8 94 241 139 241] [232 174 77 71 15 184 115 129 243 74 119 201 146 161 222 83 252 45 42 60] [119 118 137 17 141 149 117 30 29 112 157 113 52 173 221 211 135 34 106 195] [13 101 86 185 107 43 124 208 149 191 66 170 44 40 125 249 159 34 252 135] [185 123 39 154 243 170 151 101 94 101 146 179 32 233 69 5 180 22 49 236] [188 225 61 119 51 153 113 209 245 240 12 56 245 35 186 126 228 76 149 237]] SideChain:false MCRPCClient:<nil> PBFTEnable:false TrantorBlock:+2968888 TerminusBlock:<nil> LightConfig:<nil>}"
INFO [07-11|06:32:14] Initialising TTC protocol                versions="[63 62]" network=8848
INFO [07-11|06:32:14] Loaded most recent local header          number=2801761 hash=68d869…dc95fa td=2801762
INFO [07-11|06:32:14] Loaded most recent local full block      number=2801761 hash=68d869…dc95fa td=2801762

The second line of log information above, show the node already run on version v0.2.0-stable

INFO [07-11|06:32:12] Starting peer-to-peer node               instance=gttc/v0.2.0-stable/linux-amd64/go1.11.5

At the end of fifth line of log information above, show the hard fork block height, which should be 2968888

..... 5 186 126 228 76 149 237]] SideChain:false MCRPCClient:<nil> PBFTEnable:false TrantorBlock:+2968888 TerminusBlock:<nil> LightConfig:<nil>}"
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