The ingestion service of the data platform for storing and retrieving sensor data gathered using the things network (TTN).
This repository contains a REST service which contains an POST endpoint where a TTN HTTP integration can post data to. Data is stored in a mongo database. Optionally the ingested data can be published to a (local) MQTT broker for further processing.
Start the service using npm start (from the command line). Be sure to install the required packages first by running npm install.
npm install
npm start
The service can be configure with the following environment variables:
INGEST_SERVICE_PORT: The HTTP port on which the service listens (default = 3001)
INGEST_SERVICE_BASE_URL: The base url on which the server listens (default = 'http://localhost')
INGEST_DB_URI: The (Mongo) database in which to store and retrieve data (default = 'mongodb://')
INGEST_MQTT_ENABLED: Whether the service should connect to an MQTT broker (default = false)
INGEST_MQTT_BROKER_URL: If INGEST_MQTT_ENABLED is set to true, this variable tells the service where to connect to the MQTT broker (default = 'mqtt://localhost')
INGEST_MQTT_INGEST_TOPIC: If INGEST_MQTT_ENABLED is set to true, this variable tells the service on which topic to subscribe at the MQTT broker (default = 'ingest')
INGEST_MQTT_QOS: If INGEST_MQTT_ENABLED is set to true, this variable tells the service which Quality of Service level to use when connecting to the MQTT broker. Valid options are 1, 2 or 3 (default = 1)
See config.js for configuration parameters.
Application supports dotenv. Add environment variables in a '.env' file in the root folder and they will be picked up by the application.