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Releases: TTT-2/TTT2


21 Aug 14:01
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  • Reworked our simplified Dropdowns MakePanel PANEL:MakeComboBox(data) version
    • Added possibility to manipulate serverside ConVars with Dropdowns. Just add .serverConvar with the conVarName to the given data similar to .convar
    • .serverConVar and .conVar are also supported
    • data.choices can now be a table containing {title, value, select, icon, additionalData}
    • data.selectValue is added, use it instead of data.selectName to choose the value you set
    • data.selectTitle is added and shall replace data.selectName
  • New setting to disable session limits entirely. (by @Reispfannenfresser)
  • Added GM:TTT2AdminCheck hook
    • Replaced all IsSuperAdmin() checks with this hook
    • This hook can be used to allow custom usergroups through these checks
  • Added convars to modify how fall damage is applied
    • ttt2_falldmg_enable (default: 1) toggles whether or not to apply fall damage at all
    • ttt2_falldmg_min_velocity (default: 450) sets the minimum velocity threshold for fall damage to occur
    • ttt2_falldmg_exponent (default: 1.75) sets the exponent to increase fall damage in relation to velocity
    • All these convars can also be adjusted in the F1->Administration->Player Settings menu
  • Added portuguese translation
  • Added a database library, that handles shared Interaction with the sql database

Breaking Changes

  • Reworked Dropdowns Panel DComboBoxTTT2 itself
    • PANEL:AddChoice(title, value, select, icon, data) now uses the second argument as value string for setting convars, use the fifth argument for special data instead
    • PANEL:ChooseOption(title, index, ignoreConVar) is deprecated and no longer chooses the displayed text, only per index
  • Reworked our simplified Dropdowns MakePanel PANEL:MakeComboBox(data) version
    • data.OnChange(value, additionalData, comboBoxPanel) is now called with the two important arguments at first. They are the value that e.g. convars are set, the additionalData and the Panel


  • Corrected incorrect translation (by @sbzlzh)
  • Optimized damage indicator vgui images to be smaller
  • Improved hotreload of TTT2 roles library with RoleList not being global


  • Fixed addon compatibility checker fussing over disabled addons
  • Fixed ammo entities blocking +use traces
  • Fixed double call of GM:TTT2UpdateTeam, when a role change leads to a team change


17 Dec 20:06
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  • Updated Japanese translation (by @westooooo)
  • Switched from the voicerecord commands to the GMod permission system due to a recent GMod update breaking the old voice chat


18 Nov 16:34
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  • Fixed Equipment-Editor not showing the current synced values, but the cached ones


  • Changed serverConVars not indexing with 0 in tables (could cause issues when iterating)


16 Nov 23:51
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  • Fixed correct role Karma multipliers used in Karma-module


16 Nov 17:55
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  • Added four new Karma multipliers as role variables. They are applied after all other Karma calculations are done:
    • ROLE.karma.teamKillPenaltyMultiplier: The multiplier that is used to calculate the Karma penalty for a team kill
    • ROLE.karma.teamHurtPenaltyMultiplier: The multiplier that is used to calculate the Karma penalty for team damage
    • ROLE.karma.enemyKillBonusMultiplier: The multiplier that is used to calculate the Karma given to the killer if a player from an enemy team is killed
    • ROLE.karma.enemyHurtBonusMultiplier: The multiplier that is used to calculate the Karma given to the attacker if a player from an enemy team is damaged


  • Fixed ply:Give(weapon) to work again, when weapons are cached, fixing the spawneditor to work again
  • Fixed spawneditor not causing errors, when going through walls due to many steps
  • Set default traitor button variable back to 0
  • Fixed unchanged or unscaled damage being sent to the client, leading to a wrongly working damage-overlay


15 Nov 17:40
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  • Added the hook GM:TTT2CalledPolicingRole that is called after all policing role players were called to a corpse
  • Added all TTT2 convars into the F1 menu
    • most convars are located in the administration menu
    • equipment specific settings can be found in the edit equipment menu
  • Added icon to the magneto stick
  • Added the function AddToSettingsMenu to both SWEP and ITEM to add settings to the equipment menu
  • Added the role flag .isOmniscientRole; if set to true the role is able to see missing in action players and the haste mode time
  • Added GM:TTT2ModifyOverheadIcon to add, remove or modify the overhead icons of players


  • Fixed that every policing player could be called to a corpse, this is now again restricted to alive only players
  • Fixed inconsistency between .disabledTeamChatRecv and .disabledTeamChatRec
  • Fixed non-public policing roles having hats and therefore confirming them
  • Fixed triggered spawns on maps like ttt_lttp_kakariko_a5 with the vases and ttt_mc_jondome with the chests
  • Fixed roleselection layering with base roles to ensure layer order is considered correctly when selecting roles
  • Fixed hotreloading items
  • Fixed random playermodel selection on map change not working
  • Fixed ply:Give sometimes picking up all surrounding weapon entities, if auto pickup is enabled
  • Fixes weapon pickup sometimes causing floating weapons
  • Fixes weapon pickup sometimes failing if a weapon with the same class as a weapon in the inventory should be picked up


  • All public policing roles now appear as detectives in the chat
  • Change blocking revival mode from true/false to
    • REVIVAL_BLOCK_NONE: don't block the winning condition during the revival process [default, previously nil/false]
    • REVIVAL_BLOCK_AS_ALIVE: only block the winning condition, if the player being alive would change the outcome [previously true]
    • REVIVAL_BLOCK_ALL: block the winning condition until the revival process is ended
    • the old arguments still work, they are automatically converted
  • Changed logs folder to terrortown/logs/ to be inline with everything else
  • Added more role agnostics
    • voice drain rate is now no longer bound to Detectives but to all public policing roles
    • Karma multiplier is now no longer bound to Detectives but to all public policing roles
    • all non-innocent roles are now able to pin ragdolls if enabled (previous only Traitors could do this)
  • Overhead icons are now also either colored black or white depending on the role's color

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed some convars to be inline with our opt-in style, all values were changed so that the default value is kept
    • ttt_no_prop_throwing is now ttt_prop_throwing
    • ttt_limit_spectator_chat is now ttt_spectators_chat_globally
    • ttt_no_nade_throw_during_prep is now ttt_nade_throw_during_prep
    • ttt_armor_classic is now ttt_armor_dynamic


29 Oct 09:30
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  • Fixed the hook scope in the disguiser causing an error
  • Fixed the classic entity spawn mode breaking on maps without all three spawn types
  • Fixed weapons not using their average firerate with a tickrate dependent fix. Function SWEP:SetNextPrimaryFire(nextTime) was overwritten with our fix SWEP:SetNextPrimaryFire(nextTime, skipTickrateFix)


  • Added new param skipTickrateFix to SWEP:SetNextPrimaryFire(nextTime, skipTickrateFix) to skip our inbuilt tickrate fix


21 Oct 16:28
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  • Added a new hook GM:TTT2ModifyRadioTarget to modify the current radio target
  • Added documentation to all hooks


  • Fixed the reset button not working for Sliders in the F1 Menu
  • Fixed defuser only working for detectives
  • Fixed some weapon packs like ArcCW to be working again, weapons are now initialized with ttt2 variables after the InitPostEntity hook
    Note: This might only take effect after a reinstall or a reset of the server; if you don't want to reset your server, you have to change the spawnability manually in the equipment editor or delete the sql table "ttt2_items" of the sv.db to force a reset only on equipment


  • Changed the Sliders to only update after dragging ends, no matter where you clicked on the slider before dragging
  • Changed TTTPlayerUsedHealthStation hook, return false to cancel health regeneration tick
  • Changed all C4 hooks to be cancelable


  • Removed old concommand shopeditor and the old shopeditor

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed hook GM:TTT2CheckWeaponForID to GM:TTT2RegisterWeaponID better fitting its purpose as its probably nowhere used yet anyway


15 Oct 10:29
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  • Fixed Playermodels not correctly loading changes on game start
  • Fixed setting defaults before assigning a resetButton not throwing an error anymore
  • Fixed invisible preview for entity spawn placements


14 Oct 07:15
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  • Added a new scoring variable named score.survivePenaltyMultiplier to punish surviving players of a losing team
  • Added in game spawn editor system that can be found in F1->Administration
  • Moved all TTT weapons to this repository (with cleaned up code)
  • Added in four new libraries
    • map: A library which handles map specific data
    • entspawn: A library that handles the spawning and spawns of all entity types
    • entspawnscript: A library that handles the new TTT2 entity spawn script to customize spawns
    • plyspawn: A library that builds on top of entspawn to handle the more complex player spawn (originally named spawn, see Breaking changes)
  • Added a new submenu to the administration settings regarding basic role setup
  • Added a new menu to the F1 menu to set up and configure all installed addons
  • Added two new hooks to modify the contents of the newly added menu
    • ROLE:AddToSettingsMenu(parent)
    • ROLE:AddToSettingsMenuCreditsForm(parent)
  • Added a new in-game player model selector
    • Added new convars that can change the way playermodels are selected (these can be found in the gamemode menu)
    • Added a new ConVar ttt2_use_custom_models (def: 0) to enable the custom player model selector
    • Added indicator that shows if a model has a headshot hitbox
    • Added possibility to enable/disable detective hats for individual player models
  • Added a new admin only menu for server addon settings
  • Added automatic default values for serverConVars
  • Added two new role variables:
    • isPublicRole: This makes the role behave like a detective in such a way, that the role is public known and shown in the scoreboard. This means other roles can use this without special role syncing; additionally roles with that flag will be handled like a detective if killed by an 'evil' role, meaning that they will receive a credit bonus
    • isPolicingRole: This rolevar adds all "detective-like" features to the detective, for example the ability to be called to a corpse etc.
  • Added two new role conVar variables:
    • creditsAwardDeadEnable: To award this role if a certain percentage of players from the enemy teams died
    • creditsAwardKillEnable: To award this role if they killed a high value public role


  • Split up kill, suicide and teamkill in the round end screen to make it more clear
  • Decreased the minimum cost of equipment in the equipment editor to 0
  • Changed disguise such that every role can now use the function
  • Completely reworked how weapons, ammo and players spawn in the world
  • Sliders only update ConVars on mouseRelease now
  • Changed the way credits on kills are distributed in a way that non-default roles can easily use this as well

Breaking Changes

  • Removed the (unused?) ConVar ttt2_custom_models
  • Removed the function GetRandomPlayerModel(), use playermodels.GetRandomPlayerModel() instead
  • Renamed the spawn module to plyspawn
  • Hook PlayerSelectSpawn doesnt return a spawnEntity anymore
  • SpawnWillingPlayers is deleted and not available anymore
  • renamed the ttt_credits_starting to ttt_traitor_credits_starting to be more in-line with all other roles
    WARNING: This means that every traitor now starts with 0 credits until the convar reset button is pressed (on existing servers)
  • removed the alone_bonus convar because it only complicated the credits system further without adding much benefit