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A package for creating, querying, and searching in data structures holding geo data sets.


This packages aims to provide a rich toolbox for efficient, quick, and precise handling of filenames and folder structures for geo-data, most conviniently when combined with grid objects as e.g. the

With pre-defined sets comprising string-definitions, folder path logics, and filename en-/decoders, a variety of file/folder naming conventions can be implemented.

The base classes SmartPath() and SmartTree() comprise also functions for file search and folder(-tree) volume determination.

Adding a new filenaming convention

In general, please follow the code and test guidelines of existing naming conventions. The following description aims to show how to implement a new naming convention:

  • Create a new .py file in the folder "geopathfinder/naming_conventions/". The filename should be an abbreviation of the new naming convention separated from "naming" with an underscore, e.g., "" ot "".
  • Inside this file, write a new class, which inherits from SmartFilename. In this class you can define how the filename structure should look like. For each field you can define the length of the field ('len', integer), the start index of a field ('start', integer), if a delimiter should be in between the current and the previous part of the filename ('delim', boolean) and finally, if desired, a decoding and encoding function ('decoder', 'encoder'). The latter parameters should point via a lambda function to a decoding or encoding method defined in the same class.
  • Finally, the parent class SmartFilename can be initiated with the given fields, fields definitions, a padding, a delimiter and a boolean value if en-/decoding should be applied or not.
  • If you want to read a filename with your created class, you can overwrite the class method from_filename and use your field definitions for the parent class method call from_filename.
  • Sometimes one needs information from a part of a filename, which can be directly derived/decoded from one or multiple filename entries. An example would be a mean date derived from the start and end date specified in the filename. To allow this, one can define methods tagged with property in the current class. SmartFilename then handles the properties of the inherited class equally to a common filename entry given in the field definition.
  • Add tests to "tests" and name the test file "test_[]", where "[]" should be replaced by the abbreviation of the new naming convention.


This project has been set up using PyScaffold 3.1. For details and usage information on PyScaffold see